The Office of the Auditor General signed the agreement Coastline Exploration Ltd has informed the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals that it is completely null and void. - Dream Smart


Monday, February 21, 2022

The Office of the Auditor General signed the agreement Coastline Exploration Ltd has informed the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals that it is completely null and void.

A statement from the Office of the Auditor General stated that the agreement reached between the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals of Somalia and Farmajo with Coastline Exploration Ltd, a US-based oil exploration company, was a clear violation of the law. country.

This is a serious threat to the resources of the Somali people and the preservation of the assets of future generations.

Yahya Amir, a Somali researcher, spoke in the heated debate over the oil exploration agreement signed by the Minister of Minerals and Petroleum, Mr. Abdirashid Mohamed Ahmed, and Farmajo.

He disclosed that US-based Coastline Exploration Ltd. is not an oil company, but a broker.

The Office of the Auditor General, in the line of duty, has informed the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, the relevant authorities and Farmajo that the agreement is null and void.

Farmajo should be prosecuted after the Auditor General's decision to auction off the country's resources.

The Office of the Auditor General shall at all times stand up for the protection of the property of the Somali people and ensure the rule of law. Government agencies should also refrain from misappropriating public funds and violating the country's laws.

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