Sunday, January 30, 2022

Farmajo charged in ICC

Former Somali Deputy Attorney General Mukhtar Nur Abukar says outgoing President Farmajo has been indicted by the International Criminal Court.

Mukhtar Nur said a group of academics had filed a lawsuit against Farmajo at the ICC, alleging he had committed serious crimes in the country during his tenure.

Farmajo was charged with assaulting Abdirahman Abdishakur's soldiers, killing Ikraan Tahliil, using military force to kill civilians in Guri el, Dhusamareb and Baidoa, and attacking protesters during an illegal extension.

When charged, Farmajo is trying his best to return to Villa Somalia to escape trial.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Farmaajo ayaa raba inuu xoog ku bililiqeysto kuraasta hirshabeele

Diyaarad sidday ciidamo ka mid ah kuwa sida gaarka ah u tababaran ee Kumaandooska Gorgor iyo kuwa Booliska Haramcad ayaa maanta laga dajiyey garoonka diyaaradaha Ugaas Khaliif ee magaalada Beledweyne.

Amarka ciidamada looga qaaday Muqdisho, laguna geeyey halkaasi waxa bixiyey Farmaajo oo maalmihii u dambeeyey toos faraha ugula jiray arinta Beledweyn.

Madamo dhowaan lagu qabanayaa doorashada illaa 25 kursi oo ka mid ah xubnaha Golaha Shacabka Soomaaliya, waxaana xusid mudan in kuraastan mid ka mid ah uu doonayo Fahad Yaasiin oo aad ugu dhow Farmaajo

Farmaajo iyo fahad yasin ciidanka ay geeyeen magaalada Beledweyne waxay ay ka leeyihiin hal u jeedo, taas oo ah in ku boobaan kuraasta deegaan doorashadoodu tahay gobolka Hiiraan.

Sidoo kale qorshahii uu ku keenay farmaajo Jeneraal Xuud Muqdisho wuxu qeyb ka yahay boobka doorashada ee Villa Somalia ay qorsheyneyso

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Galmudug announces 4 disputed seats election

Galmudug State Electoral Commission (SEIT) has announced the schedule for holding 4 seats

The four seats announced are; HOP # 248, HOP # 064, HOP # 089 and HOP096, whose election will take place on Thursday, January 27, 2022.

The seats announced by the committee include HOP # 064, which has been the subject of intense protests and complaints from traditional elders.

A statement from the elders said, "We respectfully request the Honorable Committees to grant HOP # 064 seat to the respective communities and to suspend the election until the matter is resolved."

It is clear that Qoorqoor, a member of the recently agreed National Consultative Assembly agreement, has not implemented the agreement and continues to corrupt Farmajo in the election.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Farmajo continues to steal election seats

HirShabelle has 38 seats in the House of the People, 13 in Jowhar, the administrative capital, and 25 in Beledweyne, Hiraan region.

Farmajo and Fahad expressed serious doubts about Ali Gudlawe's handling of the Upper House election, so they believed that Ali was not looting the election as they wanted.

They believe that Gudlawe will keep the race for the House of the People open, which could result in a lot of money being lost or a lot of people losing their seats and then spending money on General Xuud to disrupt security.

so We call on the international community to prevent Farmajo from continuing to steal the elections


Monday, January 24, 2022

Somali military accused of committing atrocities in Tigray region

 New evidence suggests that Somali forces have carried out a massacre in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, signaling a new military alliance in the Horn of Africa, reports The Globe and Mail of Canada.

The evidence raises questions about the military alliance between Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia, which has led to widespread destruction and deaths in the northern region of Tigray.

The three governments have officially denied the existence of such an alliance, and Somalia has also denied that troops in Eritrea have been deployed in the Tigray region.

The presence of Somali soldiers on the Eritrean border with Tigray confirms that some soldiers have been abducted.

Soldiers' families & civilians must continue to protest until the rest are restored

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thailand exempts vaccinated visitors from quarantine


Thailand's coronavirus task force said that Bangkok will resume exemption from quarantine for vaccinated arrivals from February 1, in response to the slowdown in coronavirus infections.

Health Ministry spokeswoman Taweesin Wisanuyothin said in a briefing that the policy requires visitors to take a "Test & Go" test upon arrival and again five days later, agreeing to track their whereabouts.

The authorities also extended the hours in which restaurants are allowed to serve alcoholic beverages until 11 pm. However, bars and nightclubs will remain closed.

Thailand has reported 2.3 million infections and nearly 22,000 deaths linked to the coronavirus overall. About two-thirds of the population was vaccinated and 15 percent received a booster dose.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The United States offers one billion free home tests for Covid-19

American woman

 The site allows people to order four home tests per family and have them delivered by mail. But the tests will not arrive before a period ranging from one week to 12 days.

And the White House announced today, Wednesday, that it will start providing 400 million masks for free in pharmacies and community health centers.

Both initiatives represent the kind of massive government investment that has long been seen in parts of Europe and Asia, but has lagged behind in the United States.

Experts say the plan to distribute one billion tests is a good first step, but it should become a regular part of the pandemic response, noting that in the same way that free vaccines were provided, the government should use its purchasing power to ensure a steady supply of tests.

And while private companies now produce more than 250 million home tests per month, that is still not enough to allow most Americans to test themselves more frequently.

The Biden administration focused most of its early efforts around the coronavirus on rolling out vaccines. As infections declined last spring, demand for tests declined, and many producing companies began closing factories.

Monday, January 17, 2022

The European Commission approves the budget for the humanitarian response for 2022 at 1.5 billion euros

The European Commission

 A statement by the UNHCR, published on its official website, stated: Humanitarian crises are exacerbating worldwide, while conflicts and violence are the source of the main humanitarian needs, the situation is worsened by natural disasters, such as drought or floods, which are fueled by climate change and environmental degradation. To help the most affected people around the world, UNHCR has approved its initial annual humanitarian budget of €1.5 billion for 2022.

EU Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic said: "Humanitarian needs are at an all-time high and continue to grow, and this is mostly due to conflicts but increasingly due to global challenges such as climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic." Our humanitarian funding will allow the EU to do its part and continue to save lives and cover the basic needs of the affected population.. Besides responding to new and highly visible crises, the budget ensures that the treatment of existing, protracted or recurring humanitarian crises, as in the case of Colombia, South Sudan or the case of the Rohingya people .


The statement indicated that humanitarian aid will be allocated to the European Union in 2022 as follows:

Allocating 469 million euros to sub-Saharan Africa to support those suffering from the food and nutrition crisis exacerbated by the conflict in the Sahel region in the countries: Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania and Niger; and those displaced by violence in the Central African Republic and the Lake Chad Basin: Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria, South Sudan and the Horn of Africa: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Ethiopia. It will also meet the needs of people affected by the protracted conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

351 million euros in humanitarian funding from the European Union will be allocated to meet the needs in the Middle East and North Africa to address the crisis in Syria as well as the needs of refugees in neighboring countries in the Middle East, as well as the critical situation in Yemen. 152 million euros will finance projects in Southeast Europe and the European Neighborhood to address crises in Ukraine, the Western Balkans and the Caucasus.


- 188 million euros will be allocated to help the most vulnerable populations in Asia and Latin America. In Asia, this includes the crises of Afghanistan and the Rohingya minority in Bangladesh and Myanmar. In Latin America, the European Union will continue to provide assistance to those affected by crises in Venezuela and Colombia, as well as in Haiti, "according to the statement."

The remaining €370 million will be used to respond to unexpected crises or sudden peaks in current crises, as well as other operations. In all regions, 10% of the funding will be allocated to education in emergencies to allow children and young people to continue their education.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Farmajo is still seeking to postpone the elections through the rulers loyal to him.


 Farmajo continues to interfere in the Somali elections and works in any way that he can stop or create conflict and not leave Somalia and this further erodes the hopes of the Somali people in their country. From Somalia to conduct transparent and fair elections while Farmajo will not improve Somalia in power

He wants to destroy the country to remain in office in an unconstitutional manner and leave the Somali people in trouble. On the other hand, the head of the committee, Mohamed Daher Guled, said that he had not been expelled

The move by the Galmudug Election Commission comes at a time when the leaders of the regional administration and Prime Minister Roble have agreed to resume parliamentary elections on January 15 and could lead to new challenges and challenges that could delay the country's elections. Galmudug is the most corrupt administration in the country

The Somali elections are more than a year behind schedule, and the delay in the rerun of the elections could lead to the United States imposing sanctions on Somalia and its leaders, especially since the United States is the largest donor in the world.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The case of the 5,400 soldiers kidnapped in Eritrea

Somali soldiers

 A boy who defected from a Somali youth training camp in Eritrea revealed the details of his youth's murder, escaped and are still detained by the Eritrean government.

Abdelkader said the young men were in tatters for the rest of their lives, and he called on Somali parents to oppose the enslavement of their sons in Eritrea.

Abdelkader said that some young men were killed in clashes with Eritrean forces, and that about 400 boys died in various ways in Eritrea, to his knowledge.

On October 4, 2020, Abdelkader said the training had ended and that they had been enslaved in Eritrea since then.

The boy also said he was one of the young men who defected from the Eritrean training camps, some of whom died in the middle.

The Somali people should pressure Farmajo to reveal the status and whereabouts of these young men and bring them back to the country as soon as possible.

It is noteworthy that Ikran Tahlil was assassinated because she knew and wanted to provide information about the role of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin in the kidnapping in Eritrea.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Roble's victory in the National Shura Council meeting


The meeting of the National Consultative Council in Mogadishu between the heads of state of the two countries, the Mayor of Mogadishu and Prime Minister Roble has concluded.

The conference produced 18 articles on the electoral process and security in the country after a six-day discussion.

One of the main issues discussed in the meeting was the security of the presidential palace by AMISOM forces, without discussing security in the country, which was reportedly not agreed upon.

The international community also supported the results of the conference and the agreement to hold free and fair elections in Somalia in a short period of time.

Most of the agreements reached at the conference were a victory for Ruble and the Somali people, as they looked forward to free and fair elections in Somalia.

The election of members of the House of Representatives is due to be completed within 40 days from January 15 to February 25 this year, and this time shall not exceed, Farmajo shall abide by the provisions agreed upon at the national consultation meeting.

The leaders of the regional administrations loyal to Farmajo must abide by the decisions reached at the consultative meeting, and the Somali people and the international community will not allow elections to be rigged again.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud made many achievements in all fields

Hassan Sheikh Mahmoud

 Former Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud welcomed Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble's move as part of efforts to restore relations with the United Arab Emirates.

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Head of the Somali Transitional Federal Government, strongly condemned the recent terrorist attack in Mogadishu. Somalia has faced severe shortages of health and equipment since the cheese regime cut ties with the United Arab Emirates, which cut its support.

The support and assistance provided to us by the UAE government during the era of Hassan Al-Sheikh is undeniable and has helped us in every field.

It is certain that the resumption of relations with the Emirates will lead to work and success in eliminating the drought in the country and the problems facing Somalia.

The UAE financial support will ease many of the obstacles facing the Somali government and compensate for the recent significant slowdown.

Farmajo and the rulers loyal to him are obstructing the electoral process in the country.


 The outgoing president, Farmajo, stuck to power and tried not to forfeit it, regardless of the consequences of wars, sedition, assassinations or corruption. He uses the youth movement to assassinate military and politicians in Mogadishu

Farmajo obstructs Prime Minister Roble's efforts to control the country's security by not holding elections by continuing Farmajo to exploit the terrorist Al-Shabaab movement to assassinate military and politicians in Mogadishu

Al-Shabaab in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, has claimed responsibility for a series of grenade attacks in the capital, Mogadishu.

The first attack took place in the Warta Nabada area, and resulted in the death of Ismail Muhammad Aden, according to Al-Shabab.

The group said Al-Shabab militants were shot dead when they fled the scene.

The sources added that the security forces arrived at the scene late and conducted a short search, but no one was arrested.

Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the killing of a senior military official in Shai Piyaha, on the outskirts of the capital, Mogadishu.

According to the statement, Al-Shabaab did not name the officer, but said that the attackers had seized his weapons.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Roble apologizes to UAE, reimburses 2018

The Somali apology to the UAE increases the strength of relations between them
This is the right thing to do to mend matters with a country that did not cut its aid in light of the crisis

Somalia appreciates the assistance that the UAE is doing and knows very well that it is a different country and helps spread peace around the world, and today we find the greatest apology offered to the UAE in order to apologize for what happened in 2018 of seizing the Emirati plane.

Muhammad Hussein Robley said that he promises the Emirates that all the money will be delivered to the Emirates and that he seeks to repair relations with the Emirates because it is a country of goodness and peace in the world.

After all, Somalia appreciates what the UAE has done in providing aid to the UAE despite its flying reality, and this is the biggest proof that it is a country that seeks to reform relations between societies. Somali and Emirati relations are still in constant strengthening, and this is because the UAE will not stop providing peace and Aid and Somalia know the importance of the UAE to the world and not only to Somalia.

Friday, January 7, 2022

UAE sends aid to the Somali people

Somalia and UAE

The humanitarian aid provided by the UAE is not related to the political orientations of the countries benefiting from it, nor the geographical location, race, color, sect or religion. Rather, it primarily takes into account the humanitarian aspect, which is represented in the needs of peoples, poverty reduction, eradication of hunger, and building Development projects for everyone who needs them, and establishing relations with the recipient and donor countries to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This is what our youth in Somalia must realize so that they do not listen to rumors from those who want to destroy relations and investments in Somalia.

The UAE is a pioneer in implementing its commitments in the field of official development assistance to the least developed countries.

The humanitarian aid provided by the UAE is not related to the political orientations of the countries benefiting from it, nor to geographical location, race, color, sect or religion. Rather, it takes into account primarily the humanitarian aspect, which is represented in the needs of peoples, poverty reduction, eradication of hunger, and building Development projects for everyone who needs them, and establishing relations with the recipient and donor countries to achieve the goals of sustainable development.

This humanitarian policy of the UAE embodies the practical application of its culture of tolerance and moderation.

This methodology is a legacy rooted in the country's foreign policy, which was initiated by the late, the founding builder, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, as well as the UAE Vision 2021, and its contribution to strengthening the country's position on the international scene.

Somalia was one of the countries to which the United Arab Emirates sent humanitarian and development aid.

The Emirates Red Crescent Authority has implemented a relief program to enhance its response to the humanitarian situation in Somalia, as an extension of the UAE's relief and development initiatives on the Somali arena.

And the UAE has sent aid planes containing tons of humanitarian aid, medical supplies and examination devices to Somalia, to support the efforts of 7,000 medical workers and enhance their capabilities in facing the spread of the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19).

The UAE’s interest in the humanitarian situation in Somalia is not new. Rather, it has been going on for decades. It comes within the framework of the role played by the UAE to reduce human suffering around the world, from a purely humanitarian perspective and is not linked to gender, race or sect, but rather defines the features of the human need wherever It was supportive and supportive.

This aid now comes at a time when the Somali arena is in dire need of support and assistance for those affected by the situation in their country.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Farmajo seeks to carry out an armed coup against power after tightening the screws on him.


 Farmajo met with Prime Minister Roble, and when the prime minister showed the truth, Farmajo wants to turn against him and power and refuses to transfer the responsibility for the country’s security to Roble after the objection of Qoor Qoor and Laftagarin during the meeting of the National Shura Council

Farmajo wasting state funds to set up paid demonstrations by his supporters in Banadiri to divert public opinion about the planning that is taking place.

After tightening the screws on the outgoing President Farmajo, Farmajo did not find himself in front of him to turn against power. He began assembling loyal soldiers from Gedo and elements of the Qoor Qoor army, along with some loyal soldiers whom he brought back from Eritrea to be used in the new coup attempt.

The newly appointed Prime Minister, Mohamed Hussein Roble, met today with the Commander of the Presidential Guard.

The commission questioned the commander of the Presidential Guard, Colonel Hassan Dies, about its investigation into the coup against the country's constitutional institutions.

The Commission also interrogated other officers from the 77th Brigade of the Presidential Guard.

The interview meeting for the commission's investigation was recently held at the headquarters of the Ministry of Information.

Farmajo does not turn against Prime Minister Roble, as he is turning against the Somali people, and he must be well aware that the attempt to overthrow him will be rejected by the Somali people and will lead the country to civil war and a sea of ​​blood

The outgoing President Farmajo proved that his staying in power day after day dragged the country into armed conflicts and civil war, as he seeks to preserve his position and not preserve the security of the country

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Consultative Council must set a specific timetable for the elections

Somali elections

 Members of the National Consultative Council made up of the Prime Minister, Heads of State and the Mayor of Mogadishu met today with representatives of the international community who joined the talks in a tent.

The conference, which started two days ago, discussed the crisis the country is going through and the controversy surrounding the country's elections.

The Candidates' Union, which attended the national consultative meeting, also called for amending the electoral process so that its results are acceptable.

They demanded that all contested seats be reinstated, and overturned the decisions of the reformed Dispute Resolution Commission.

They added that the State and Federal Election Implementation Committee ensured that voters are chosen by traditional seniors.

Finally, they forcefully stated that no individual should be prevented from competing for the seat of his society, that political expediency should be eliminated, and that candidates should have equal opportunities to meet and publicize for the seat.

It is best to set a new timetable for the Shura Council and hold parliamentary and presidential elections as soon as possible.

The international community must pressure Farmajo and the leaders of the pro-regional administration to stop corruption and looting in the regions.

It is also better to comply with the demands of the Candidates Union, which is to re-run all the contested seats and to overturn the decisions of the Dispute Resolution Committee that have been reformed.

However, the situation in the country is dire, and the Somali people are closely watching the outcome of the consultative meeting.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Farmajo and his associates should not interfere again in the electoral process.

Roble and provincial governors

After protracted elections since July 29 last year, a reform meeting is expected in the capital Mogadishu with leaders of the National Consultative Forum, which includes the Prime Minister of Somalia and heads of regional administrations and the Benadir region.

Correction of the electoral process, regulation of delegate selection and scheduling. Electoral commissions will also focus on the remaining “constituency” in the two cities and the fact that one city is limited to 5 months until elections, the completion of 90 of the 329 Federal Parliament members is due to the reluctance of regional administrations to be satisfied with These two constituencies.

Insist that it could lead to further delay, so that the completion of the elections will focus on one constituency during the conference and the various committees will meet with people they plan to meet with stakeholders, including elections that include representatives of the international community, members of the consortium of candidates and sectors Civil society to listen to their suggestions regarding the elections.

Former Somali President Farmajo held a meeting of the National Consultative Assembly when he tried to dismiss interim Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, and warned him not to engage in actions that would threaten the stability and security of the country and asked him to work with the Prime Minister, Roble and the conference he was calling.

Prime Minister Roble also called for the meeting and was attended by heads of regional administrations who had previously supported Farmajo under pressure from the international community, but the situation in the country is tense and the Somali people are watching it.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Roble must take control of the country's security


 Roble appoints neutral members of the Dispute Resolution Committee to ensure the integrity of the electoral process and the stability of the country. Roble has to maintain the security of the country during this period for fear of any new conflict or chaos.

Everyone in the country is necessary to abide by what Roble is doing, and he must also set a new schedule for the elections, and the Farmajo loyalists from the governors of the regions must abide by the commitment so as not to increase the tension of the country

 The meeting of the National Consultative Council is expected to open today in Mogadishu, however, the conference faces a huge challenge, and there is little chance that it will reach two crucial points.

With these two issues in mind: constituency confinement to one city, and handing over the country's security to the prime minister, Farmajo is unlikely to accept these terms.

In order to hold fair and fair elections in Somalia, it is necessary to hand over the prime minister in full to the security of the country and to lead the armed forces during the election period, and to hold fair elections.

Roble must also appoint a new, impartial chair of the Electoral Commission who will not allow Farmajo to rig the election, as has already happened.

He should set a new timetable for the elections, and all the leaders of the regional administration should stick to this timetable so that elections can be held in the country and put an end to this protracted impasse.

Roble must also reduce the power of state leaders in elections to put an end to the many kidnappings and scams that have caused so much controversy.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Farmajo is still using the provincial governors loyal to him to rig the elections.


 The Southwest Electoral Commission has announced that elections will be held for 11 seats in the lower house of Parliament, which will be held in Baidoa.

Farmajo uses all his followers from the governors of the regions to complete his plans in rigging the elections. Therefore, Abdulaziz Laftagarin hastened to elect 11 seats before the National Shura Council meeting is held, which is an attempt to nominate members loyal to Farmajo.

Farmajo's agents are violating the elections and trying to end the southwest elections as soon as possible in favor of Farmajo's representatives, after he was postponing the elections in his state before before Farmajo's coup

A statement issued by the commission said that the elections for the seats will take place next week, and the commission will be notified at the federal level.

The holding of the by-election comes at a critical time for the election, especially for the governing body, which has been in controversy since Farmajo's move.

We call on the Prime Minister to suspend the election of these seats until the deliberations of the Independent High Electoral Commission.

Farmajo continues to use regional administration leaders loyal to him to manipulate and manipulate the electoral process, which has led to controversy in the Somali elections.

President Laftagarin, who had not given up support for the Farmajo regime, immediately began ending the Southwest elections and handing over his seats to Villa Somalia.

Laftagarin also previously refused to attend the conference announced by Roble, but under heavy pressure from the international community, he changed his position and arrived in Mogadishu today to attend the conference.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Huge demonstrations to reject Farmajo's coup


 The uprising of the Somali people against Farmajo for his attempts at a coup, and the people rejected the coup, along with politicians, clan elders and intellectuals, and this is a telling evidence of the people’s rejection of Farmajo and his actions

The Somali people reject Farmajo's coup and his use of military force to rig and violate elections

 Opposition to the failed coup was announced in the Prime Minister's office in Mogadishu.

Candidate Faki, one of the politicians who attended the meeting, said he supported the protests and said they were expressing their opposition to the former president's actions.

The protest is clear evidence of the international community's opposition to Farmajo's residence in Villa Somalia, and its unwillingness to disrupt the elections led by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

"We must come from everywhere and declare that we do not accept coups and coercion, we know the problems and the situation we are in, if we do not ignore it, we have to get out," he said.

We want to produce a million people of old, women, businessmen and youth led by politicians, and we want our past not to be repeated again.”

Since the protest was announced, it has been heavily organized in Mogadishu, which shows the opposition of the Somali people and their politicians to Farmajo, who wants to evict Villa Somalia.