Sunday, January 2, 2022

Farmajo is still using the provincial governors loyal to him to rig the elections.


 The Southwest Electoral Commission has announced that elections will be held for 11 seats in the lower house of Parliament, which will be held in Baidoa.

Farmajo uses all his followers from the governors of the regions to complete his plans in rigging the elections. Therefore, Abdulaziz Laftagarin hastened to elect 11 seats before the National Shura Council meeting is held, which is an attempt to nominate members loyal to Farmajo.

Farmajo's agents are violating the elections and trying to end the southwest elections as soon as possible in favor of Farmajo's representatives, after he was postponing the elections in his state before before Farmajo's coup

A statement issued by the commission said that the elections for the seats will take place next week, and the commission will be notified at the federal level.

The holding of the by-election comes at a critical time for the election, especially for the governing body, which has been in controversy since Farmajo's move.

We call on the Prime Minister to suspend the election of these seats until the deliberations of the Independent High Electoral Commission.

Farmajo continues to use regional administration leaders loyal to him to manipulate and manipulate the electoral process, which has led to controversy in the Somali elections.

President Laftagarin, who had not given up support for the Farmajo regime, immediately began ending the Southwest elections and handing over his seats to Villa Somalia.

Laftagarin also previously refused to attend the conference announced by Roble, but under heavy pressure from the international community, he changed his position and arrived in Mogadishu today to attend the conference.

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