Saturday, December 25, 2021

Fraud and looting of seats is the main reason for delaying the elections

Farmajo and Roble

 After the true face of Prime Minister Roble showed his loyalty to the outgoing president Farmajo, the postponement of the elections will continue and the electoral process fraud will continue.

The timetable set by the Federal Election Commission to elect members of the 11th Parliament failed again and was postponed.

The commission issued a new timetable on November 11 to conclude the parliamentary elections by December 24.

However, that deadline expired on Friday, December 24, with fewer than 50 members elected, most of whom opposed the process.

This is the third time that the election timetable released by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has been delayed in the past five months.

Corruption and white supremacist corruption in the country's elections have long delayed timetables and boycotts by the opposition.

Ruble cannot manage the electoral process and will not be able to complete the elections in a short time because he is trying to give Farmajo a chance to run in the by-election.

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