Thursday, December 23, 2021

Farmajo is the one who ignites the fighting in Bossaso.


 Farmajo we bear the responsibility for the losses that Somalia suffers because he is an irresponsible person because he supports all the devastation that the country is exposed to and encourages a war to be started in the country and uses PFS forces to start the war.

Former Puntland and Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) officials today called for an immediate end to the fighting in Bossaso and for everything to be resolved through dialogue and understanding.

We offer our condolences for the loss of life and property as a result of the tragic fighting that took place in Bossaso from December 21 to 22. She said in a statement, "It is a war that has damaged the morale of the Somali people in general and the people of Puntland in particular, as a symbol of peace and coexistence. Farmajo is the reason for all the devastation on the level of Somalia and its people are no longer in power again."

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