Soldiers must be brought back from Eritrea while Farmajo is attending an IGAD summit - Dream Smart


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Soldiers must be brought back from Eritrea while Farmajo is attending an IGAD summit


 Farmajo does not care about the situation of the Somali people. He is always working for his personal interest. He will now leave all internal problems of Somalia, including the elections, to attend the IGAD summit next week in Uganda with his ally Abi Ahmed, who is involved in the Tigray war crisis

Uganda postponed the upcoming IGAD summit in Kampala to discuss the conflict in Ethiopia and the crisis in Sudan.

He was invited to attend by outgoing President Farmajo and we all know we have no interest in the political conflict and crises in Somalia.

Meanwhile, the alliance between Farmajo, Abi Ahmed and Afewerki is believed to be an alliance based on force and oppression against their people, establishing a dictatorship in the Horn of Africa.

They certainly do not respect Afwerki and Abi Ahmed's alliance with the cowardly regime, but only for their interests and resources in Somalia.

However, Farmajo must take advantage of his participation in the conference to work towards the return of the missing youth to Eritrea.

What is the purpose behind Farmajo sending these Somali soldiers to Eritrea? He basically does not have enough money to pay their training dues, which led to the detention of these soldiers for this period

And how did Farmajo not provide the money required by Afwerki for the return of Somali soldiers from Eritrea until now?

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