Farmajo is trying to appear as a hero due to the maritime conflict with Kenya - Dream Smart


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Farmajo is trying to appear as a hero due to the maritime conflict with Kenya

Somalia and Kenya

 The International Court of Justice is expected to announce the outcome of the maritime dispute between Somalia and Kenya on October 12, after six years in the Hague case. While defeat cannot be ruled out, Somalia's maritime defense attorneys, Paul Richler, and Professor F. Philip Sands and Prof. Alan Pele expressed his optimism 99% of the success of the cause, which will be a historic victory for the Somali people.

Kenya withdrew from the maritime case of the International Court of Justice earlier this year. The maritime dispute between Kenya and Somalia has been going on for some time. Kamau said the maritime case is outside the court's scope and also questioned the impartiality of the Hague-based International Court of Justice.

He also described the lawsuit brought by Somalia as an attempt by Mogadishu to infringe on Kenya's territorial integrity, and a statement issued by the Kenyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that, "The case against Kenya in court, and the court's involvement in a case outside its legal framework, is evidence of the new methods

used to undermine justice to undermine our sovereignty.”

Kenya has always insisted on resolving the maritime dispute through dialogue, while Somalia has opted to resolve it in the International Court of Justice.

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