Farmajo kidnaps candidates for the Senate of the northern regions - Dream Smart


Monday, September 27, 2021

Farmajo kidnaps candidates for the Senate of the northern regions


 Farmajo forcibly detains eight Somaliland traditional elders in Afisione's tent to prevent the Senate elections.

How a head of state turned into a criminal after carrying out a kidnapping operation that violates the most basic laws, so he must leave as soon as possible.

Farmajo will not allow any elections to be held after his case is exposed in front of the people so that he does not lose his seat.

The sheikhs of the northern regions must be released and Farmajo held responsible for their personal safety.

Farmajo has become a criminal and the head of a gang that rules Somalia and has become a threat to Somalia's security and stability.

Somalia became a hostage in the hands of the dictator Farmajo and Fahd Yassin and their forces, which turned into an outlaw militia.

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