In Gedo, they realize that Farmajo is only acting for his own interests - Dream Smart


Monday, August 30, 2021

In Gedo, they realize that Farmajo is only acting for his own interests

 The prominent politicians in Gedo region are slipping one by one from the compound of President Farmajo. They realize that Farmajo is not fit to be trusted by the Somali people. He is seeking personal interests to be re-elected again.

 After years of fighting and obstructing elections in the country, it now appears that President Farmajo is losing the Gedo region to which he belongs.

 One by one, prominent Gedo politicians slip from President Farmajo's compound, with most entering Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe, or standing alone.

Two weeks ago, Farmajo lost Jubbaland Security Minister Abdul Rashid Jinan, who reopened after three months from Hawwa country to Mogadishu. The general economic log has many promises.

 Former Gedo Governor Osman Nur Haji Moallemoo and some district commissioners also held a press conference in Gharbahari on Sunday, saying Gedo is under the command of Jubaland, with Ahmed Madobe as chief.

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