Cancel Said Deni's trip to Baidoa - Dream Smart


Sunday, July 4, 2021

Cancel Said Deni's trip to Baidoa

 A planned trip by Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni to Baidoa, the interim capital of the South West, has been canceled.

Deni's trip to Baidoa was arranged by South West President Abdiaziz Lafta Gareen and Puntland's Said Deni, but was canceled due to technical issues, according to our sources.

Deni was scheduled to arrive in Baidoa on June 30 at 5pm, and it was agreed that Lafta Gareen would advance on Baidoa to welcome him there, but when Lafta Gareen arrived in Baidoa he was told he could not come. Baidoa due to the non-operation of Shaati Gaduud Airport in the afternoon due to expansion work.

Said Deni, who had not previously been told that Shaati Gaduud airport was not operational in the afternoon, canceled his trip to Baidoa, the second city he planned to travel to.

The plan to cancel Deni's trip to Baidoa was worked out by Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who learned of Deni's election campaign, amid reports that Said Deni would run for Somalia's presidency. .

South West President Laft Gareen, who did not dare to tell Deni directly that he could not come to Baidoa, used a tactical approach, and sources say that Said Deni knows why he was rejected in Baidoa.

The South West president is preparing for a trip abroad, which is also feared to rule out another trip to Deni's bid for Baidoa.

Puntland President Said Deni will reportedly run for the presidency of Somalia, and is already facing a political challenge from Villa Somalia.

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