Saturday, July 31, 2021

4 footballers were killed in an attack in Kismayo

 The Somali News Agency reported on Friday that 4 soccer players were killed when a car bomb targeted their bus in Kismayo.

The official agency said that the explosion targeted the bus of the "JCCI" team players.

Reports quoted by the agency confirmed that a car bomb exploded in the coastal city of Kismayo.

She noted that the players were on their way to the football stadium, where the Vice President of Jubbaland was scheduled to open a competition between the city's clubs on social inclusion.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Olympic Games

 They are international sports events that include summer and winter sports competitions, in which athletes of both sexes participate in different competitions and represent different delegations from all over the world. The Olympic Games are the world's premier sports competition with the participation of more than 200 countries. Where the event is currently organized every two years in even years, alternating summer and winter games after both competitions were held every four years, and in the same year until 1992. The four-year period between the years of the tournaments is called the Olympics.

Its creation was inspired by the ancient Olympic Games that were held in Olympia, Greece from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) was established by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1894 through the Olympic Congress, which led to the organization of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. The IOC is the governing body of the Olympic movement, and the Olympic Charter defines its structure and authority.

 The development of the Olympic movement during the 20th and 21st centuries has led to many changes in the Olympic Games. These modifications include the creation of the Winter Olympics for snow and ice sports, the Paralympic Games for athletes with special needs, the Youth Olympic Games for athletes aged 14-18, and the five Continental Games (Pan American, African, Asian, European, and Pacific) And the World Games for sports that are not included in the schedule of the Olympic Games.

Farmajo's attempts to obstruct the elections continue

 I wonder what some states loyal to the outgoing President Farmajo are doing to obstruct the elections, although it was agreed between all the states to hold the elections on a specific date, but Farmajo's interventions play their role in influencing some of the states that they control

How long will Farmajo continue to obstruct the holding of elections in the states loyal to him, and why has the Senate elections been suspended in the state of Hirschpel? Therefore, we ask the international community to pressure Farmajo to hold the elections and not to interfere in them

Farmajo is only interested in preserving his position, as he will not allow any fair elections to be held in all states, even in his areas of control, as he wants to remain in power for a long time

Hirshabelle government suspends upper house elections, even though committees have been appointed by speakers in Jubaland, Galmudug and southwestern parliaments. Senate elections are scheduled to start tomorrow for Jubbaland state

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Farmajo trying to control Somalia

 Reports from Kismayo, the capital of Jubaland state, say that Abdi Ali Rage, a person close to the outgoing president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, landed at Kismayo airport yesterday. Abdi Ali Rage's trip comes after the prime minister. Prime Minister Roble has issued an order barring anyone from the country's airports, dismissing NISA's director of staff and intelligence chief at Aden Adde International Airport a few days ago.

There are also reports that Fahad Yassin will run against a Jubaland candidate in the Senate election, and Farmajo's adviser Abdi Ali Rage has arrived in Kismayo to plan the nomination of Farmajo's supporters for the Jubaland Garbaharey seats in the Gedo region. and Fahad Yassin in the run-up to the by-elections

 Fahad Yassin and Abdi Ali Raji, who are loyal to Farmajo, are trying to seize the seats in Jubaland to prevent Ahmed Madobe from running in the Jubaland elections again and Villa Somalia is planning to bring in whoever Farmajo wants. controls elections Qatar is trying to bring back the blood of Farmajo and Fahad Yassin to bring the two men back to power.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The most famous Somali marriage customs and traditions

 Marriage in Somalia is of great importance and has many types, so you find, for example, that they hold celebrations that are dominated by the nature of simplicity, where the wedding ceremony is held under the “trees”, so the meeting between the groom and his bride takes place under the tree and they get to know each other and the bride’s family undertakes the task of preparing and decorating the tree to be completed. Preparing it to receive the newlyweds and hold the sermon under the tree. Banquets are held and food is served to the groom's family under the trees.

The Somali people are keen to start the engagement ceremony with some verses of the Noble Qur’an, and the families of the newlyweds gather and eat under the trees and debate here and there and are interested in telling successful stories about marriage, and they are keen to drink tea and hear a word or sermon from the tribe’s sheikh and leader to bless the engagement and marriage.

After agreeing to complete the engagement, the groom's family gives the bride some symbolic gifts, and the engagement ceremony takes place in the presence of the family and relatives, but the bride must adhere to her home and the father or a relative. They act on her behalf and they are keen to celebrate the marriage for a long time, gatherings last for several days in which they eat food and tea and tell stories and stories.

One of the most important Somali customs and traditions is to serve milk in a large bowl called “baklava.” It is served to the groom’s family, and next to it there are meat bowls next to delicious dates. They have pots full of honey next to the meat.

A new crisis in the holding of elections in Somalia

Somalia's elections have been postponed again after the new election timetable for the Upper House elections began on July 25th, which falls on Sunday.

Apart from the controversy over the electoral commission of the northern parliamentarians, there is no other political obstacle, which has prevented the regional administrations from holding the elections.

Let alone holding elections, some states have not even set up parliamentary committees to hold elections to the Upper House.

However, as Capital Online has learned, holding the election now faces a new challenge, a political game between the international community and the country's regional administration leaders, based on the cost of the election.

According to Capital Online, the international community has refused to pay up to $ 40 million for the election, on the condition that the Upper House elections be completed first.

That amount is only required by the federal government to pay four million, while the rest, of 36 million is expected from the international community.

The concern of the international community is that if it pays, it could be used in other ways, and elections will not be held, justifying the countless delays that have already taken place.

The international community also believes that the election of the Upper House does not require any expense, or if it does, it does not cost much, as the members of the Upper House elect the members of the regional administrations, who are already in office.

According to the international community, most of the costs will be borne by members of parliament, who will elect delegates who need to be brought together, accommodated in hotels, trained, and paid for over time.

Representatives of the international community, therefore, argue that they will release the money after the Upper House elections.

For their part, some regional administration leaders argue that they are facing widespread financial hardship, while others fear that if they pay out of pocket, it will not be reimbursed.

The only regional administration so far fully committed to holding Upper House elections is Jubaland, which has a special political interest in holding elections.

Ahmed Madobe wants to complete the Upper House elections in July, to strengthen his legitimacy.

In a July 14, 2020 statement from the federal government, it said it had recognized Ahmed Madobe as interim president of Jubaland, for two years, beginning in August 2019, when he was elected.

Ahmed Madobe dismissed the statement from Villa Somalia on the same day as illegal and irrelevant.

However, Capital Online believes that Ahmed Madobe is still concerned about the situation, and that if he does not run in the by-elections, his ability to run in the elections could be renewed.

In addition, the Gedo regional administration affiliated to Villa Somalia has announced that it will form a new administration for Jubaland by August, indicating that Villa Somalia is working on a new crisis.

The governor of Villa Somalia, Ahmed Bule Canjeh, told the BBC that Ahmed Madobe's term ends in August and that the people of the region will form a new administration.

"At the end of Ahmed Madobe's term, no one will stop us from deciding our destiny. It is a decision made by the people of Jubaland, at home and abroad. It is interconnected. "Committees have been set up to implement the plan," said Ahmed Bule.

"Let him submit, but Ahmed's term expires on August 20th, no one can add one day, and anyone who wants to do so is ready to be questioned about the tragedy in that area," he added.

The endless delays in the election are being enjoyed by outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who is now in his sixth month without a seat.

Apparently, Farmajo will get at least one more year in his term which ends on February 7, 2021.

Monday, July 26, 2021

How do the rich live in Somalia?

 Are Somalia really rich in the global sense? This question is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of Somalia's rich. They are not considered among the rich class in most countries of the world, on the contrary, in some they are as many as others who struggle for survival. In Somalia, the obscenely rich are considered those who have money amounting to one million dollars, while the Somali who lives on less than one dollar a day is classified as living below the poverty line. In general, the rich in Somalia are a very small percentage.

Quick ways to get rich

There are many factors that help a Somali to become rich. He might get rich thanks to commerce, which is a widespread, albeit time-consuming, way to amass a fortune. It may be inherited from father to grandfather. Others may become rich through graft from governments or NGOs. This is due to the weakness of governments and their inability to track these people, as the members of society are always stunned whenever the reputation of a person who was known for his poverty becomes known, and he suddenly becomes rich.

Somali economist Ali Nur explains to Raseef22 that "people who resort to illegal gain receive facilities from government officials, especially officers." The work of the wealthy in Somalia is not compatible with the rich people of the world, due to the circumstances surrounding them. As we mentioned, most of the rich people of Somalia work in trade of all kinds, whether local, regional or international. The merchants distribute their activities locally among the governorates.

According to Nour, southern merchants transport fruits and vegetables to the northern governorates, specifically Hargeis and Bosasso, and do not ship any locally made goods to the south. Regionally, trade is uneven. Somali merchants import coffee and khat from Kenya, and export cows and sugar to it. From Ethiopia, traders import low-quality coffee, potatoes and khat.

Globally, major traders import goods from China, India, the United Arab Emirates and other countries. They also import electronics, building materials, etc. from China.

In addition to the above, the owners of telecommunications and contracting companies are among the rich people in Somalia. In Somalia, there are three telecommunications companies: HORMUD, NATION LINK and TELECOM. The largest of them is the Hormud Company. The researcher in Somali affairs, Abd Ali, says: "Somali can get rich quickly in Somalia by trading in fake or expired goods, low-quality goods or looted from relief agencies."

Al-Hawiya tribe exposes the practices of Farmajo and Fahd Yassin

 Hawiye traditional elders have strongly condemned the actions of Farmajo and NISA Commander Fahad Yassin, calling the case of Ikraan Tahliil - the missing NISA hostage, said to have been assassinated and missing.

He accused Farmajo and Fahad Yassin of assassinating their former collaborators and kidnapping and killing them on a daily basis.

He also said that the country has one challenge today, which comes from Farmajo and his associates, including senior Nisa staff, pointing out that all these men are an obstacle to the aspirations of the Somali people and the current elections in the country.

The case of Ikraan, who was abducted by the government, has not yet been resolved, and Farmajo has taken steps to investigate Nisa's alleged involvement in the abduction.

Somalia will improve and share with the world when the politics of the country get out of the hands of farmajo and fahad yasin who have really been politically corrupt for a long time, and the somali people should remove any politician like the two to save their country.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Juba River

 It is shorter than the Shabelle River in terms of length, as it reaches about 1030 miles from its sources, between latitudes 4 and 8 degrees north of the equator, but it is of greater benefit in terms of using its waters for irrigation.

The Juba River has three main tributaries: Webi Giestro, Down Payama Valley, and Doria Valley, which is the meeting point of the Somali border with Abyssinia in the modern era.

The river flows after the town of Dolo, but the descent is slow, and the speed of the river is weak. At the town of Bardera, the strength of the river in the flow increases because of the side extensions of the gorges that connect to the river during the flood. The most important of these tributaries are the Hereik Stream and the Iae Dese Stream, which comes from the hills of the Anfadi region, and its length is about twenty kilometers, and it is one of the most important tributaries of the Juba River due to its abundance of water and its extreme depth, making it suitable for navigation for small ships.

The waters of the Juba River end to the sea (north of the city of Kismayo), and the largest extent of the Juba Valley reaches 250 km.

The Juba River has two floods, one of them in the fall, which is abundant in water, and it starts from April to September, and the average river discharge is between 800 to 1000 cubic meters per second, and the second flood is less than the first, and usually begins with the end of September and October, and the water decreases In late January, February and March, the water in that river seldom dries up.

In the winter, which is the dry season, the river discharge averages between 15-20 cubic meters per second, and we note that the waters of the Juba River are less salty than the waters of the Shabelle River, so most agricultural lands and agricultural expansion projects are consistent with the Juba River.

Madobe announced the list of candidates for the Senate

 The Jubbaland State Parliament will today (July 25, 2021) elect the BFS Upper House Senators, according to the State Indirect Election Commission and another committee appointed by the parliament.

In Kismayo, the capital of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Jubbaland, preparations are underway for the election of the 8 Senators of the State representing the Upper House of the Federal Parliament.

A delegation led by the Chairman of the Federal Electoral Commission Mohamed Hassan Irro arrived in Kismayo yesterday to witness today's election.

The president of Jubbaland state Ahmed Mohamed Islam is expected to announce the list of candidates for the upper house of parliament in the coming hours.

Ahmed Madobe today met with the Federal Electoral Commission led by its chairman, who arrived in Kismayo yesterday to take over the list of candidates for the Jubbaland Upper House.

Members of the Federal Electoral Commission will also meet with the candidates for the Upper House to discuss the conduct of the Upper House elections.

Security in the port city of Kismayo has been tightened, with additional security forces, police and soldiers from the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) deployed on the streets.

If Jubbaland wins the 8-seat Upper House election, it will be the first state to nominate senators to represent the federation in 2021.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

lunar eclipse phenomenon

 A lunar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the Earth's shadow blocks sunlight reflected on the moon in normal conditions. This phenomenon occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are in complete planetary conjunction (total eclipse) or approximate (partial eclipse).

The phenomenon of a lunar eclipse arises in the middle of the lunar month when the Earth blocks the light of the sun or part of it from the moon. At the rate of two eclipses per year. Eclipses can be seen in areas where the moon is above the horizon. This phenomenon occurs through the following stages

1. The moon begins to enter the penumbra of the Earth, and its light begins to dim without fading (a semi-shadow eclipse in the astronomical term). The semi-shadow region where some of the sunlight is blocked from the moon by the earth.

2. Then the moon begins to enter the umbra of the Earth, and the partial eclipse begins. The Earth's shadow is the area where the Sun is completely obscured by the Earth.

3. The entire disk of the moon will be eclipsed when it completes its entry into the Earth's shadow area.

4. Then the moon begins to leave the shadow of the Earth, and the total eclipse ends.

Candidates for the elections demand the departure of Roble

 The Council of Presidential Candidates of Somalia has issued a statement condemning Prime Minister Roble's dismissal of NISA officials, sending a message to President Farmajo.

First, the council supported the decision by the Prime Minister to remove NISA Chief of Staff Abdullahi Kullane and NISA Commander at Aden Adde International Airport Abdiwahab Sheikh, who, according to the statement, were "trying illegally." obstruct the constitutional right to freedom of movement and movement of Somali citizens. ”

"In light of the difficult situation in the country and the transition period of the elections, the Council calls on all branches of government and the people of Somalia to work together to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, and to avoid any conflict and recurrence. potentially destabilizing, ”said a statement from the Union of Candidates.

The Council also recommended that Prime Minister Roble's move to curb the illegal travel restrictions on Somali citizens and officials be implemented throughout the country.

"The Council calls on the outgoing President, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, to refrain from violating the Constitution and his continued interference in the process of holding free and fair elections in the country. designated, ”concluded the Union of Candidates' press release.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Roble sided with Mahdi Guled

 In a statement issued by northern lawmakers on the wing of Speaker of the Upper House Abdi Hashi, they described the injustice and bias of Prime Minister Roble's side with Mahdi Guled's faction.

They also discussed the status of the dispute and how to resolve the obstacles to the election of seats in both houses of parliament from the Northern Regions.

"Today, twenty-one days after the forum's meeting held on May 27, 2021, we have decided to brief the members of the Forum, election stakeholders such as the Presidential candidates and the Somali community on the progress of the conflict and the resolution of obstacles to independence. "The two Agal seats in the Northern Regions (Somaliland) have been one of the three most contentious issues in the long-running conflict," the statement said.

The commission also accused Prime Minister Roble of failing to deliver on his promises and fulfilling his mandate to ensure that the national and parliamentary elections in Somaliland are free and fair.

"According to Article 2, Clause (a) of the agreement of 27 May 2021, the Prime Minister is responsible for resolving the dispute and coordinating the election of members of both houses of parliament in Somaliland, in consultation with the Speaker of the Upper House and Deputy Prime Minister. ”

"We expect that the Prime Minister is quick to jump into and will be called by the Chairman of the Upper House and the Prime Minister to discuss the looga resolution and smooth election process payments Somaliland lawmakers. "Unfortunately, this has not happened until today, a month and 20 days later," the statement said.

"The election of members of parliament from the Northern Region is at a critical juncture. Abdi Hashi, the top politician, has been rejected. The government seems to want to loot the election. He did not respond to letters sent to him. "He has violated all his agreements," said lawmaker Mohamed Abdi Hayir, who spoke about Prime Minister Roble's actions.

The statement will also be presented to a number of steps taken by the chairman elects to meet May 27 agreement was signed in the capital of Somalia.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Roble changes the agreed election schedule

 The caretaker Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble has issued a statement welcoming the timetable for Somalia's bicameral parliament election process.

The schedule was released last night by the Federal Electoral Commission (FEIT).

"I welcome and commend the schedule announced by the Federal Electoral Commission, which outlines in detail the timing and format of the Upper House and the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia," Prime Minister Roble said in a statement. produced.

The Prime Minister thanked the state governments for their efforts and flexibility, and urged them to expedite the implementation of the elections.

Roble's statement added, “The Somali people are waiting for a peaceful, transparent, free and fair election, at the agreed time, so we must work together to implement this important task, so that we can reclaim it. no robbery. ”

Prime Minister Roble also thanked the people of Somalia for their patience and support in his efforts to lead the country's electoral agreement reached in Mogadishu with regional leaders.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Somali children take advantage of Eid to prepare for war with Al-Shabaab

 We will celebrate the experience of death.. This is how the children of Somalia live the joy of Eid al-Adha, in isolation from Muslim children, all over the world; Their favorite games are now only "guns", and the only ones that suit the security and political situation, in a country that is at war with Al-Shabaab, it has destroyed everything.

Counterfeit guns, which look very much like real ones, are being sold in all Somali markets. Other children's toys are gone. Mogadishu, Hargeisa neighborhood, and outside Kismayo restaurants, are crammed with different types of guns, which prepare children to take up arms, and plunge into war with the movement Young people, like their parents and grandparents.

Experts differentiate between children from different regions of the Islamic world's preference for fighting games, led by Prince George, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth in Britain, who was spotted by the London media, playing with a plastic pistol, but there is no difference between the children of Somalia and Britain, and the sanctity of life that George lives in England, And those of the children of Mogadishu.

The weakness of the Somali government is reflected in the absence of regulations and laws regulating the sale of fighting games and weapons to children, as is the case in most countries of the world, which approve strict laws in passing killing games to children, including that they are brightly colored and do not carry any real colors of weapons. Like black, blue and silver.

Godlawy disavows his connection with the elections in Garowe in favor of Farmajo

 Members of Somalia's lower house of parliament, Hiraan politicians including former NISA commander Abdullahi Sanbaloshe, met with HirShabellle President Ali Gudlawe in Mogadishu last night.

The lawmakers and politicians, all from the Hawadle clan, demanded that Gudlawe prevent Ahmed Hassan Diini, who was elected from the HirShabelle parliament, from chairing the parliamentary election committee.

Diini, who was elected chairman of the committee today, accused the lawmakers of threatening that only all members of Hawadle would return from Nur Idow Beyle, while the rest would try not to do so, citing the reason for the order. Villa Somalia.

Ali Gudlawe told officials he met that Diini was in charge of Villa Somalia and could not do anything about it.

The politicians also said that Ali Gudlawe has surrendered to the Somali presidency and political decisions are being made in his area or in the country as a whole. HirShabelle especially in Beledweyne is one of the cities where the most difficult parliamentary elections will take place in Somalia.

The HirShabelle administration is widely expected to produce lawmakers loyal to Villa Somalia, as the administration is in full control of the presidency, with Gudlawe

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The girl who was kidnapped from Nisa

 Former NISA Deputy Commander General Abdalla Abdalla has spoken about the situation of Ikraan Tahliil Farah who has been missing for two weeks in Mogadishu with her mother Qali Mohamud Guhaad suspected by NISA.

Abdalla, in a post on his Facebook page, voiced fears that Ikraan would disappear like Jamal Khashuqji, a Saudi journalist who was assassinated in October 2018 at the Riyadh embassy in Istanbul, which has yet to be located. his body.

The former deputy commander of the National Intelligence Service (NISA) said Ikraan was being held inside Godka Jilaw Central Prison by the National Intelligence Agency.

"Ikraan Tahlil must get justice. She is in the NISA compound in Godka Jilaow. "I am very afraid that like Jamal Khashuqji, they will not come out of Godka Jilaow again," Abdalla said.

Abdalla also said sources had confirmed that Ikraan was killed on the night of June 26th. Capital Online cannot independently confirm that Ikraan is either inside the NISA compound or has been killed.

Ikraan Tahliil Farah, 24, has been missing for more than 16 days, according to family members.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The strangest customs and traditions in Somalia

 Somalia is famous for its strange customs in a way, especially in the matter of marriage. In the following report, we will learn about the most important customs and traditions of the Somali people.

While you are in Somalia, you are on a date with watching everything that is strange and funny, as Somalia is famous for some strange customs and traditions, and on top of them comes the marriage of a man to his brother’s wife upon his death, and coercion. The old girl leaves her tribe and travels away to propose, which is different. There are many forms and types of marriage in Somalia, and we discuss them in detail below.

The most famous Somali marriage customs and traditions:

Marriage in Somalia is of great importance and has many types, including the strange and the funny. You find, for example, that they hold celebrations that are dominated by simplicity, where the wedding ceremony is held under the “trees”, so the meeting between the groom and his bride takes place under the tree and they get to know each other and the bride’s family undertakes the task of preparing And decorate the tree to be prepared to receive the newlyweds and hold the sermon under the tree. Banquets are held and food is served to the groom's family under the trees.

The Somali people are keen to start the engagement ceremony with some verses of the Noble Qur’an, and the families of the newlyweds gather and eat under the trees and debate here and there and are interested in telling successful stories about marriage, and they are keen to drink tea and hear a word or sermon from the tribe’s sheikh and leader to bless the engagement and marriage.

After agreeing to complete the engagement, the groom's family gives the bride some symbolic gifts, and the engagement ceremony takes place in the presence of the family and relatives, but the bride must adhere to her home and the father or a relative. They act on her behalf and they are keen to celebrate the marriage for a long time, gatherings last for several days in which they eat food and tea and tell stories and stories.

One of the most important Somali customs and traditions is to serve milk in a large bowl called “baklava.” It is served to the groom’s family, and next to it there are meat bowls next to delicious dates. They have pots full of honey next to the meat.

Turkey's exploitation of Somali women

 Turkey undertakes to protect Farmajo’s presence in power and its continuation in it against the strong opposition there to the extent that it prepared and trained special forces for this circumstance, called the Gorgor Forces, and now Farmajo sends women to train in Turkey instead of men, so what is the purpose of sending women

Farmajo allows Turkey to interfere in Somalia’s internal affairs and military affairs and sends women’s forces for training in Turkey, so what if something happens to them, can Farmajo help them or will he remain silent as he did with the forces that were sent to Eritrea

Turkey supports Farmajo because Farmajo is the one who opened the gate for them to enter the Horn of Africa and wants him to be re-elected again in order to extend its influence inside the Horn of Africa at the expense of the Somali people and some of the neighboring countries of Somalia

The continuous Turkish interference in Somali internal affairs must be stopped at the request of the Somali people

Turkey exploits Somali women and the Somali government is silent about these violations

Turkey exploits Somali women, and if they are attacked, Farmajo will not be able to help them, as happened with those who were sent to Eritrea.

Conflict between Ruble and Jubbaland

 As Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble returns to Mogadishu, more information is emerging about his visit to Kismayo and Garbaharey.

Ahmed Ismail, a member of the Jubbaland parliament, announced in an interview with Radio Mustaqbal that Prime Minister Roble's visit to the region was fruitless.

He also pointed out that the talks between Roble and the Jubbaland leadership and the ongoing negotiations did not go as planned.

The lawmaker also revealed that the contentious issues are reconciliation and the withdrawal of government troops from Gedo region.

He also added that the prime minister discussed how officials held security in the region, which indicated that the document, presented to the right and the prime minister, but the actors understand lost.

"The problem that needs to be solved is reconciliation, the removal of the federal government forces from Gedo region, the intervention of the security forces, I told the prime minister but It was not possible, ”the Jubbaland administration lawmaker said in an interview.

The last to go, this is now officially the most dangerous country into elections, the prime minister revealed that the choice of Juba and Gedo regions state in the region.

However, Ahmed Madobe's administration has been embroiled in a bitter feud with the federal government for the past three years, and his re-election as well as government forces inside Gedo region have been disputed.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Some landmarks of Somalia


The region of Somaliland, known as Somaliland, is one of the most important tourist attractions in Somalia, and visitors can see some exceptional rock paintings, enjoy walking along the beaches, visit city markets, enjoy the beauty of the scenic landscape, and see the monuments in the far east and west of the country.

Las Gale

Las Gail is one of the most important Somali tourist sites, located in the autonomous region of Somaliland, and consists of a series of caves, and it is noted that it embraces many rock art paintings, dating back to the Neolithic era, which made Las Gail among the sites of UNESCO World Heritage.

Bakara market

Bakara Market is one of the most famous landmarks in Somalia, which is located in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, as it displays various Somali colors and flavors, and is filled with street food vendors, and stalls selling national souvenirs at a low price.

Farmajo continues to try to sabotage the elections

 Farmajo is abusing power and trying to obstruct and sabotage the efforts of Prime Minister Roble by sending agents of Villa Somalia to rally the people of Gerbare city against Prime Minister Roble, so we must support the decision of the Presidential Candidates Association to prevent Farmajo from taking up national responsibility again.

Despite the refusal of clan leaders and politicians to meet Prime Minister Roble upon his arrival, Roble respects the people of Jerbahari area and therefore extended his visit for another day to satisfy them, but we must realize that Farmajo and his aides want to turn the people on Roble because of the short time of the visit

Farmajo is always working to disrupt Prime Minister Roble's efforts by using his loyal agents who have mobilized clan leaders and notables to force Prime Minister Roble to extend his visit in the city of Gerbare.

The outgoing chief's group, Farmajo, gathered clan chiefs and dignitaries in Al-Garbahari, the capital of Gedo, to compel Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to extend his previously arranged visit to hours in order to complete his trip to Mogadishu.

Two days earlier, Farmago's group dispatched three planes that brought in individuals associated with Villa Somalia to mobilize the local population in order to obstruct Roble's efforts to conduct reconciliation in preparation for the elections.

 Prime Minister Roble will hold meetings with different segments of people in the city, then continue his trips to Mogadishu this evening.

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Al-Shabaab issues statement on casualties at Banadir intersection

 Al-Shabaab has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at the Banadir intersection in Mogadishu this morning.

Al-Shabaab claimed that the target of the attack, which was a car bomb, was Commander Farhan Qaroole, but he escaped.

Al-Shabaab also claimed responsibility for the blast, which killed four soldiers and wounded five others, including the commander's bodyguards.

"The mujahideen carried out a suicide attack on the police chief of the Apostate group, killing four soldiers and wounding five of his bodyguards," the statement said.

Despite al-Shabaab's claims and casualties, independent sources say the blast killed at least eight people and injured more than 10 others, including soldiers and civilians.

The Somali Police Force (SPF) said in a statement that it was safe for the Benadir regional police commander to be assassinated.

In the past, there have been acts of insecurity in the capital, including bombings as well as assassinations.

The incidents of insecurity could go, while the federal government is now preparing for the election of a full Friday.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Somali culture

 Somalia has a proud cultural heritage for a long time, and sometimes this fact seems to contradict the simplicity of the people in their lives, especially in the Badia regions. In fact, Somalia, which is one of the African nations that geographically borders the Arabian Peninsula, has been in close contact with the Islamic and cultural centers for more than a thousand years. The Somali people are all Muslim and rooted in Islam, as Islam extends in it to the era of the first Muslim pioneers who emigrated To Somalia before the Prophet's migration to Medina.

The Somali people have used the Arabic language because it is the language of the Noble Qur’an and prayer, to communicate with the outside world, to write correspondence, and to keep records for more than a thousand years.

Although the Somali language has not yet been written, it is very advanced and has a large number of words, and the Somali language has great unwritten values ​​that people pass on from mouth to mouth, and they have entrusted it with their memories and hearts, and we can quite easily compare these great manners with the literatures of other nations And any person who has a close contact with the customs of the Somalis in the desert of Somalia will inevitably find that most of the customs have a deep social meaning.

The tribal system played an important role before the establishment of the modern state and the new society, as was the case in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan and other Arab and African nations. The tribe represented a small, sovereign state that would defend itself and conclude treaties, and we can say, without need of fatal details, that the salient feature was that it was democratically governed and that it was in fact a state of prosperity according to the principle that became an old saying or that ((the tribe There is no one who is hungry if everyone is not hungry))

With the establishment of the Somali state and the strengthening of national unity, the Somalis worked hard to renounce the tribal system that obstructs progress and advancement.

community characteristics

The Somali society, like other pastoral societies of the Hamitic elements at the beginning of its life, consisted of several tribes with different names, but they agreed in that they represented one mass for one element, the Hamitic element. And the Rahween as mentioned in the book ((For the sake of hopes in the history of Somalia)) by Sharif Al-Aidaros.

This large mass of Somalis, regardless of the names of the tribes or groups, they all have sexual characteristics that differ fundamentally from their neighbors in Ethiopia and Kenya. The Somali in general is empty in height, ((height in inches is about 68)) good in stature, full of growth, with a moderate forehead, rounded like the protective elements completely (the width of the skull is 75), and with sunken eyes, a straight Caucasian nose, a thin regular mouth, and lips that are not thick, The hair is slightly curly, and the skin color ranges from light tan to somewhat dark brown.

He is fast-moving, very valiant, strong-willed, grows up in courage, courage, generosity and generosity. And his grandfathers are from customs and traditions, and he means to preserve his lineage and teach him his sons to be proud of him.

Farmajo seeks to thwart the investigation committee

 Despite the many problems that Somalia is going through, and although the elections were supposed to be held, as was decided in the Mogadishu Agreement, the elections have now been suspended and postponed for another 4 months, and Prime Minister Robley has lost his credibility.

Somalia and its government have also lost their credibility from the international community, the international support has stopped and the international community has lifted its support for the elections due to the continuous delays, and now the confusion and pressure is being exerted on the Soldiers Committee in Eritrea

Since there is news that young Somalis are smuggled into it without any consent, but they are kidnapped there to fight in it. Farmajo is behind this and denies all the charges against him and is now pressuring the committee to stop the search for the soldiers and not reveal his truth.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Economic relations between Somalia and Egypt

 The relations between Egypt and Somalia are characterized by strength and durability. They are historical relations since the era of the pharaohs, specifically when Queen Hatshepsut, the fifth ruler of the eighteenth dynasty, sent trade missions to Puntland, present-day Somalia, to bring in the products of that region, especially incense.

In the modern era, Egypt was the first country to recognize the independence of Somalia in 1960, and the name of the Egyptian martyr Kamal El-Din Salah is still remembered with appreciation, the United Nations delegate to Somalia, who paid his life in 1957 for his efforts for Somalia to gain independence and preserve its unity.

Somalia is one of the most important countries in the Horn of Africa, which plays a major role in controlling the Bab al-Mandab strait, the southern gateway to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal, which has increased its economic and geopolitical importance for Egypt. Egypt supported Somalia in the period that followed independence in various fields, especially in the field of education, where Egyptian schools and teachers were located in Mogadishu, and the Al-Azhar missions and teachers affiliated with Al-Azhar Al-Sharif had a role in spreading science and the true teachings of Islam.

 Economic Relations

Economic relations between Egypt and Somalia have witnessed a steady growth in recent years; Supported by a strong political will and a serious effort to develop future plans and open new doors for cooperation in various fields. The trade balance between Egypt and Somalia amounted to about $88 million in 2017, compared to $54 million in 2016. The Egyptian exports to Somalia are food commodities and building materials And the pharmaceutical sector, while Egypt imports livestock from Somalia. In August 2016, the Egyptian ambassador to Somalia inaugurated the Egyptian-Somali Business Forum under the title (In the Heart of Egypt.

 Energy and water projects are at the top of the areas that can witness a great development between the two countries, especially with regard to solar energy cell projects and networks, especially with the similar climatic conditions of the two countries. Somalis either through the Egyptian national banks “Al-Ahly, Egypt, and Cairo” or in cooperation with the Egyptian Banking Institute. The field of agriculture and livestock is also one of the promising sectors that can be considered as a locomotive for revitalizing economic cooperation between the two countries.

During the years 2015 and 2016, Egypt and Somalia signed memoranda of understanding in many areas such as: health, education, customs, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and trade. On April 19, 2016, Somalia and Egypt signed a memorandum of understanding in the field of economic cooperation that included the establishment of a trade committee. A joint venture headed by the Ministers of Commerce in the two countries and includes senior officials in the field of trade, to discuss facilitating trade movement, removing all obstacles, and discussing government needs in the areas of infrastructure, maritime transport, health, agriculture, livestock and fisheries.

Puntland reacts strongly to Minister Jamaal's attack on Deni

Puntland has responded to a statement by the Somali federal government's planning minister, Jamal Mohamed Hassan, accusing Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni of running for president, but hiding, in order to influence elected federal lawmakers. areas of Puntland.

Puntland administration spokesman Jama Dabarani responded to Minister Jamaal's remarks, calling them baseless and a misrepresentation by the minister of the mature Puntland administration.

“After 23 years of visible puberty. It is unfortunate that you are trying to paint a negative picture of Puntland and its people. History is still divisive, ”said Jama Dabarani, who posted the statement on his Twitter account.

The spokesman also said that Puntland is a mature administration that has held various elections in the past, which cannot be disrupted at this time.

"Minister Jamaal, your tweet is no different from the ones you used on this site to incite violence and war in Puntland. "Puntland is a 23-year-old state that has previously held regional and federal elections, some of which resulted in a single vote," the Puntland spokesman said in a statement.

Incumbent Minister of Planning Jamal Mohamed Hassan, a close ally of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, tweeted that Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni was a candidate for the presidency of Somalia, but He is now biting himself and instead threatening and looting the election of federal parliamentarians from Puntland.

"Said Abdullahi Deni has postponed announcing his candidacy to influence and interfere in the upcoming elections in Puntland. "Clan elders, representatives and parliamentary candidates have all expressed serious concern about the extent of Deni's fraud, intimidation and interference," Minister Jamaal said in a statement.

In a statement posted on his Twitter account, Jamal Mohamed Hassan added, "As a presidential candidate, Said Deni should step aside from all electoral matters, and immediately stop interfering in the affairs of the electoral technical commissions." We can no longer watch in silence the naked interference and damage to democracy and the credibility of the Puntland administration. ”

The exchange of views between the Somali planning minister and Puntland's spokesman comes amid a bitter rivalry between pro-President Farmajo lawmakers in Puntland's constituency and President Said Abdullahi Deni, who is said to be trying to keep a pro-Farmajo lawmaker out. return to the federal parliament.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

abgaal community opposes BF MPs' share distribution

 Ebakar-gaab Maalim Dhiblawe, an intellectual from the Waceysle sub-clan of Abgaal, held a press conference in Mogadishu today to oppose the distribution of seats in the Somali Federal Parliament.

The seats that the Ebakar-gaab Maalim community is complaining about are in their constituency of Dhusamareb in Galmudug, and they have appealed to the President of Galmudug.

The intellectuals of this community have called on the leaders of the federal government and Galmudug to not be disappointed in the seats they are entitled to.

A statement from the Ebakar-gaab Maalim community released at the press conference expressed the community's grievances over the distribution of seats in the Waceysle community.

Speaking to the media, the elders of the community called on the Waceysle community to distribute the seats fairly this year, as they have been suffering for a long time and according to them they have been missing the seats they are entitled to.

Watch the Ebakar-gaab community press conference below

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Roble asks the international community to help fund the elections

Somali Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble met with representatives of the international community to discuss the progress made in the country's elections and the agreement reached by the heads of the Federal and State Governments in Mogadishu.

Roble appealed to the international community to pay for the elections in the part of the international community that is expected to be held on time.

Roble also called on the international community to work together for a free and fair election in the country.

The meeting agreed that the international community should play its part in providing the necessary financial and technical support to hold elections in the country.

The Federal Electoral Commission (FEC) has elected a new chairman and deputy chairman, and election-related activities are well under way.

The June 29 agreement reached in Mogadishu between Prime Minister Roble and regional administration leaders states that Somalia's presidential election will take place on 10 October 2021.

Disavowal of art is a new phenomenon in Somalia

 The Somali man has remained clinging to his creative heritage that extends from the earliest times, represented in the Stone Age cave drawings, poetic genres that exceeded ten arts, and songs and dances that varied in the diversity of regions and regions.

The historical developments in Somali societies over the past century have increased the importance of artistic and creative activity, from the emergence of political borders, which divided the land and divided society, in addition to the phenomena of alienation and migration to countries where the Somali was strange in face, hand and tongue.

However, a new phenomenon has recently emerged on the surface of society, which has a severe impact on the Somali artistic and creative circles, provoking a general state of discontent and frustration among hundreds of Somali creators inside and outside the country.

Salt on the wound of creativity

There is no doubt that the emergence of the phenomenon of “disavowing” some of those involved - previously - in the artistic field, of their role and tasks in the creative process, is a new matter that Somali societies have not previously dealt with.

The controversy that engulfed the retired artist Muhammad Saeed, known as “BK”, and Youssef Osman Abdullah, nicknamed “Youssef Shaer”, one of the prominent poets in the Somali literary scene, may be a real indication of the state of mind that is currently under development, given the name of "Youssef Shaer" on the lips of "BK" when he mentioned a group of creative people who retired from art, and "Shaer" went out to deny that he had ever joined the artistic community, and that all his artistic contributions did not exceed two poems, he allowed their performance to one of the artists, while "BK" returned to deny him His disavowal of the middle despite the revelation that there was a third poem sung!

Tahir Muhammad Guled, who is interested in collecting heritage artworks, says, "The Somali artistic community in general, and in Somaliland in particular, was one of the sectors of society that was most affected by the conditions that the country went through. These acrobatic behaviors are very painful on the psychological level for those interested in Somali art, because while they suffer from lack of appreciation in a society whose values ​​have changed, there come among them those who deepen their wound, and even sprinkle salt on a wound they have long endured.”

Monday, July 5, 2021

Somali singing... an art that describes human life, thoughts and hopes

 The history of Somali singing began as a vocal art associated with work songs. These songs varied, according to the roles that man plays in his daily life, from the work of watering the flocks performed by men, to the grinding of grain and the work of counting for women, with a great influence of the Sufi schools, and their poems in praise of the Prophet, his family, companions and guardians. These songs are also associated with the seasons of fertility and drought, desertion and travel, plowing and harvesting, describing human life on Somali land, and his beliefs, thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears, in a form that has hardly changed for centuries.

However, the literary status of singing emerged, stemming from Somali poetry, to be a new poetic art in its own right, added to a series of literary arts that branched off from each other, after each of them took its final form, and found creators who specialize in it and are loyal to it, so that the abundance of production led to transform it into a literary art of its own.

The location of the song in Somali literature.

Literature in the Somali language is called "Sugan" and includes both prose and verse. The prose is divided into story, wisdom, sermon and blink, and modern arts, such as articles and theater, joined it after the Western presence in the country, starting in the nineteenth century. As for the systems, they are divided according to seniority into the “jpi” systems, the “tanto” and “girard” systems, the “branbar” systems for women, the “sherb” systems, the “guru” systems, and the “helo” systems from which the “has” systems, i.e. poems, emerged The singer.

The sung poems were distinguished by their easy language and short syllables, and researchers point out that despite the modernity of the art as a literary art in its own right, it is a continuation of the use of the old word in the Somali language “hes” or “hista”, which is directly related to the ancient Egyptian terms “hist”. And the Arabic “Hazzej”, as an extension of work chants, camel shoes and livestock watering.

The new head of the electoral commission is loyal to Farmajo

 The Federal Electoral Commission (FEC) has recently elected a new chairman following a vote held today at the Aficiooni Camp in Mogadishu.

There are 5 candidates running for the chairmanship of the Federal Electoral Commission: 1- Mohamed Hassan Irro, 2- Liban Ahmed Hassan (Liban Shuluq), 3- Abdi Hiis Adan 4- Abdiaziz Yusuf, 5- Mohamed Muse.

In the second round of the election, Mohamed Hassan Irro received 12 votes and Liban Ahmed Hassan (Liban Shuluq) received 8 votes.

In the second round, Mohamed Hassan Irro won with 14 votes and Liban Shuluq received 10 votes, with Mohamed Hassan Irro, a former chairman of the disbanded electoral commission, as chairman.

Mohamed Hassan Irro was a close ally of Villa Somalia during his time as chairman of the disputed electoral commission, but it is unclear what has changed.

Meanwhile, Mowlid Haji Matan won the election of the deputy chairman of the Federal Electoral Implementation Committee.

The election was held in a transparent manner and was managed by the Technical Coordinating Committee of the Electoral Office of the Prime Minister's Office which was highly praised.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Information about the Somali language

 It is one of the most important living languages ​​in the Horn of Africa and is an official language in the Republic of Somalia along with Arabic. The Somali language belongs to the Afro-Asiatic languages ​​and is spoken by about 15 million Somalis, most of whom are concentrated in the Somali Republic, the Ogaden Region, the Republic of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya.

 It is the national and official language of Somalia. Only Somalis speak it fluently, whether in Hargeisa, Kismayo, Mogadishu or Djibouti. They understand it, even if it is less used for its feet, but some of the Mudjan still speak it somewhat fluently. It is called Af-soomaali and is the basis of the present-day Somali language. There are some dialects spoken by Somalis, for example, the dialects spoken by Somalis differ according to their regions.

 Somalis according to their regions and there are very small minorities who speak Swahili. Because of the Italian and English occupation of Somalia, the Italian and English languages ​​are known to the Somalis. More recently but used only in a small scale. The Arabic language is also considered an official language in the country, spoken by most scholars and intellectuals, and understood by the people in general, due to the informal education system in the mosque circles. As for the daily talk about it, it is confined to new immigrants, who have not been more than a century old. They are concentrated in coastal cities, especially in Mogadishu. In the city of Jamama, near Kismayo, everyone speaks the Yemeni Hadrami Arabic dialect because they were influenced by the Yemeni Hadrami immigrants who inhabited Somalia.

Cancel Said Deni's trip to Baidoa

 A planned trip by Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni to Baidoa, the interim capital of the South West, has been canceled.

Deni's trip to Baidoa was arranged by South West President Abdiaziz Lafta Gareen and Puntland's Said Deni, but was canceled due to technical issues, according to our sources.

Deni was scheduled to arrive in Baidoa on June 30 at 5pm, and it was agreed that Lafta Gareen would advance on Baidoa to welcome him there, but when Lafta Gareen arrived in Baidoa he was told he could not come. Baidoa due to the non-operation of Shaati Gaduud Airport in the afternoon due to expansion work.

Said Deni, who had not previously been told that Shaati Gaduud airport was not operational in the afternoon, canceled his trip to Baidoa, the second city he planned to travel to.

The plan to cancel Deni's trip to Baidoa was worked out by Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, who learned of Deni's election campaign, amid reports that Said Deni would run for Somalia's presidency. .

South West President Laft Gareen, who did not dare to tell Deni directly that he could not come to Baidoa, used a tactical approach, and sources say that Said Deni knows why he was rejected in Baidoa.

The South West president is preparing for a trip abroad, which is also feared to rule out another trip to Deni's bid for Baidoa.

Puntland President Said Deni will reportedly run for the presidency of Somalia, and is already facing a political challenge from Villa Somalia.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

The religious history of Somalia

 Religion in Somalia maintains very limited exceptional proportions. The entire Somali people embrace the Islamic religion, and most of them are Sunnis who follow the Shafi’i school, with a percentage of them from adherents of other schools of thought from the Hanbalis, Malikis and Hanafis. In the Somali constitution’s description of Islam, Islam was defined as the official religion of the country and that Islamic Sharia It is the main source of legislation.

 Islam entered Somalia at an early period of history following the migration of Muslims to Abyssinia and the Horn of Africa in general to escape the oppression of the Quraish against them, which makes it likely that Islam had penetrated the hearts of Somalis before it laid its roots in the place of its origin in the Arabian Peninsula. Moreover, Somali society presented many prominent Islamic scholars who shaped the course of religious education and religious practices not only in Somalia but in the entire Horn of Africa and East Africa, but also the Arabian Peninsula; Among these scholars is the religious scholar and judge Othman bin Ali Al-Zaila’i, who lived in the fourteenth century, and who authored the most valuable book ever in explaining the Hanafi school of thought, which is the book “Tebbeen al-Haqa’iq - Sharh Kanz al-Daqiq,” which is a complete encyclopedia of jurisprudence in four parts in which al-Zayla’i explained a book. Treasure of Minutes" by Imam Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Mahmoud Abu Al-Barakat Hafez Al-Din Al-Nasafi.

Christianity is a minority religion in Somalia, where the number of its adherents does not exceed 1,000 individuals, in a total population of more than nine million people. There is only one diocese in Somalia, the Diocese of Mogadishu, which is directly affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church in the Vatican, and which received only 100 Catholics in 2004. It is mentioned that in 1913, before the start of the colonial advance on Somalia, there was no presence of Christianity in the country, other than 100 or 200 who came from orphanages set up by missionaries in British Somalia, and there were no missionaries at all in the Italian part. during the same period.

In the seventies of the last century, during the Marxists' control of power, schools attached to churches were closed, and all missionaries were sent to her country again. It is noteworthy that there has been no bishop in the country since 1989, and the Mogadishu cathedral was severely damaged by the country's civil war.

On the other hand, some other non-Somali ethnic groups embrace animistic beliefs, which are ancestral rites and religious legacies in the southeast African region.

Farmajo sells the capabilities of Somalia before his departure from power.

 Somalia's Petroleum Authority has extended the deadline for international companies to apply for oil exploration licenses believed to be off the coast of Somalia.

The Petroleum Authority officially launched the first round of licensing in August 2020, and then extended its deadline to March 30 to June 30.

However, Somalia's Petroleum Authority said in a statement obtained by Capital Online on June 29th that it was now working to extend the deadline following requests from investors and international oil companies. deadline for companies to submit their applications.

The Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum Authority said it would announce the new extension within 14 days.

However, Capital Online believes that following the political crisis in the country, which resulted from President Farmajo's failed extension, most international companies have delayed applying for the license.

There is also the fact that the Union of Somali Candidates has warned companies to enter into an agreement with a government whose term has expired, and if they do so, any agreement they enter into will not be recognized when a new government is formed in the country.

All of this has frightened foreign companies, which has led to delays in their applications.

On January 4, 2021, there was a delay in the signing ceremony for Somalia's oil license, which would take place at the Somali presidential palace. The signing ceremony will see the release of Blocks on the coasts of Hobyo and Barawe districts, which are under the administration of Galmudug and South West.

Somalia's Minister of Petroleum, Abdirashid Mohamed, was scheduled to sign the agreement with Liberty and Coastline Exploration Petroleum, formerly known as Soma Oil and Gas.

The delay was prompted by international pressure on the government to postpone it, Capital Online learned, but the federal government did it for another reason.

Speaking at the time, Somali Minister of Petroleum Abdirashid Mohamed said the agreement called for technical issues.

Read below the letter from the Petroleum Authority extending the deadline.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Somalia commemorates the 61st anniversary of independence

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mr. Mohamed Abdullah Mohamed - Farmajo - raised the national flag last night at an event held at the Presidential Palace to commemorate the 61st anniversary of the independence of the southern regions and the unity of the country on July 1, 1960, amid limited participation of citizens due to the procedures Tight security imposed on the presidential palace headquarters.

The outgoing Somali President, Mohamed Abdullah Farmajo, sent warm congratulations to the Somali people on this glorious day, which is repeated every year, and July 1 marks the occasion of the independence and unity of the Somali people who gained independence from Italian and British colonialism after a long struggle.

The Somali President praised the Somali citizens for their interaction from the historical event, their contribution to the activities of the National Independence Week, highlighting their patriotic feeling, and being proud of their country.

The five Somali federal states celebrated the occasion to commemorate the independence, at a time when all the leaders of the states are in Mogadishu, the capital, but they did not participate in the celebration, and the event was not organized at the headquarters of the municipality of Mogadishu, the capital, due to security conditions.

The custom was to commemorate the Independence Day at the headquarters of Banadir Region - Mogadishu - in the past years, but the current circumstances may have been different from the previous ones due to security reasons related to the presence of potential security threats.

In a message circulating on social media, the United Nations office sent to employees working in Mogadishu, the capital, and mentioned the presence of two car bombs in the city, and that the targeted areas are the headquarters of immigration and citizenship, passports, Al Maeda Hotel, Hawa Taco Hotel, Al Jazeera Hotel, the Ministry of Petroleum, the Ministry of Petroleum Foreign Affairs, Lido Resorts, Makkah Al-Mukarramah Road, Villa Somalia barriers, and the Somali National Intelligence and Security Service checkpoint

Beyle remarks after the international community's decision

 The Minister of Finance of the Somali Government, Mr. Abdirahman Duale (Beyle) spoke about the economic situation in the country, as it is, the transition period and the election phase.

Bayle announced that the international community has cut off all funding to the Somali federal government.

The minister attributed this to the current transition period, pointing out that every six months before the election, the economy will be cut.

He added that this was normal and that the international community's finances would be restored when a new government was elected.

"Six months before the election, aid will be cut off. When the president is elected, they will evaluate his changes and the way he is running his affairs. When they are satisfied with that, they will return it," said Minister Abdirahman Duale Bayle.

Meanwhile, Somalia's finance minister said that the international community's ongoing projects in Somalia are ongoing and will not be affected by the cuts to the federal government.

The statement comes as preparations are underway for Somalia's elections, which were announced yesterday.

Somalia enjoys strong financial support from the international community, which complements the government's budget and contributes to the country's economy.