Monday, July 12, 2021

Farmajo continues to try to sabotage the elections

 Farmajo is abusing power and trying to obstruct and sabotage the efforts of Prime Minister Roble by sending agents of Villa Somalia to rally the people of Gerbare city against Prime Minister Roble, so we must support the decision of the Presidential Candidates Association to prevent Farmajo from taking up national responsibility again.

Despite the refusal of clan leaders and politicians to meet Prime Minister Roble upon his arrival, Roble respects the people of Jerbahari area and therefore extended his visit for another day to satisfy them, but we must realize that Farmajo and his aides want to turn the people on Roble because of the short time of the visit

Farmajo is always working to disrupt Prime Minister Roble's efforts by using his loyal agents who have mobilized clan leaders and notables to force Prime Minister Roble to extend his visit in the city of Gerbare.

The outgoing chief's group, Farmajo, gathered clan chiefs and dignitaries in Al-Garbahari, the capital of Gedo, to compel Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to extend his previously arranged visit to hours in order to complete his trip to Mogadishu.

Two days earlier, Farmago's group dispatched three planes that brought in individuals associated with Villa Somalia to mobilize the local population in order to obstruct Roble's efforts to conduct reconciliation in preparation for the elections.

 Prime Minister Roble will hold meetings with different segments of people in the city, then continue his trips to Mogadishu this evening.

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