Thursday, July 15, 2021

Somali children take advantage of Eid to prepare for war with Al-Shabaab

 We will celebrate the experience of death.. This is how the children of Somalia live the joy of Eid al-Adha, in isolation from Muslim children, all over the world; Their favorite games are now only "guns", and the only ones that suit the security and political situation, in a country that is at war with Al-Shabaab, it has destroyed everything.

Counterfeit guns, which look very much like real ones, are being sold in all Somali markets. Other children's toys are gone. Mogadishu, Hargeisa neighborhood, and outside Kismayo restaurants, are crammed with different types of guns, which prepare children to take up arms, and plunge into war with the movement Young people, like their parents and grandparents.

Experts differentiate between children from different regions of the Islamic world's preference for fighting games, led by Prince George, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth in Britain, who was spotted by the London media, playing with a plastic pistol, but there is no difference between the children of Somalia and Britain, and the sanctity of life that George lives in England, And those of the children of Mogadishu.

The weakness of the Somali government is reflected in the absence of regulations and laws regulating the sale of fighting games and weapons to children, as is the case in most countries of the world, which approve strict laws in passing killing games to children, including that they are brightly colored and do not carry any real colors of weapons. Like black, blue and silver.

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