The committee appointed by Roble announced the number of members removed from the electoral commissions - Dream Smart


Sunday, June 6, 2021

The committee appointed by Roble announced the number of members removed from the electoral commissions

 The Electoral Commission Verification Committee, appointed by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble, has announced that 34 members have been removed from the list of electoral commissions at various levels.

Recently, the Union of Candidates filed a petition against Prime Minister Roble with 67 people, some of whom were said to be members of the government, the military and some politicians or who accused them of being neutral. .

The Prime Minister's Nomination Committee Verification Committee has announced that 34 of its nominees have been affected by a lengthy investigation and dismissed by the nominated regional administrations and the Ra 'office. Some nominated by the Prime Minister.

The commission said it would nominate 34 replacements within 48 hours.

Credible sources told Capital Online that the members planned to be removed from the commission were originally around 45 members but later came under intense pressure from members of the verification committee, with officials weighing heavily. they insisted that some members be left behind.

The verification committee is expected to officially announce the names of the 34 members removed soon.

Meanwhile, members of the Union of Candidates are expected to react to the decision of the verification committee to release 33 of the members they have complained about, and it is unclear whether they will accept or discuss Prime Minister Roble again.

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