Mass demonstrations in the capital Mogadishu - Dream Smart


Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mass demonstrations in the capital Mogadishu

  Today witnessed demonstrations in the Somali capital by the sons of missing soldiers because of not receiving information about the whereabouts of their sons, although citizens, including parents, have the right to obtain information and access information when needed at any time, not to mention the situation of their loved ones. If it is not dealt with urgently, this will be a scandal that expresses the corruption of state leaders

On June 10, 2021, mass demonstrations are taking place in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, by the families of the soldiers who were transferred to the battlefronts in the Ethiopian region of Tigray. The people demand to reveal the fate of their sons who were transferred to Eritrea and their participation in the war in the Tigray region and send a loud message to Farmajo where they end up It is with their beloved children and children.

Somali families are searching for answers after their sons, soldiers, who went to Eritrea for military training and may have been secretly sent to fight in the Tigray region in neighboring northern Ethiopia.

The Somali government categorically denies the matter, stressing that it has not sent any Somali soldiers to Tigray, where in November the federal government launched a military operation against the local authorities of the Tigray People's Liberation Front, which defied it.

This issue raises great concern in Somalia, where pressure is mounting on the government to reveal the fate of the missing in a country preparing for elections that were repeatedly postponed amid great tension.

The families addressed requests in this regard to members of Parliament, so the Foreign Affairs Committee wrote to President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed to inquire about "the number of soldiers being trained in Eritrea" and "when they will return to the country."

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