Farmajo's call for a return to dialogue and elections is a setback and he is looking forward to extending his term. - Dream Smart


Monday, May 3, 2021

Farmajo's call for a return to dialogue and elections is a setback and he is looking forward to extending his term.

  Farmajo's call for a return to dialogue and elections is a setback and a diplomatic move to deceive the Somali people, prolonging Farmajo's rule.

The Turkish government is clearly interfering in the political affairs of Somalia by supporting Farmajo as he is the looters and the path to our country's resources.

It has interfered in somalia's elections to facilitate the return of the outgoing president.

Alshabab terrorists also support Farmajo and his corrupt policies as they have vested interests, and this is where the country will not wake up and elections will not take place.

Meanwhile, the divided forces, some of which have joined the opposition after failing to withstand the oppression and looting of the country, could lead to a civil war that would take Somalia back to its sad days.

Therefore, the Somali people must unite against their enemies and prevent foreign governments from leading their country to ruin and chaos.

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