Sunday, March 28, 2021

Union of Candidates submit new petition to regional leaders

 The members of the Union of Candidates gave an overview of the special meeting they had today with the presidents of the five states in the conference in Mogadishu.

Spokesman for the Union of Candidates Dahir Mohamud Guelleh said state leaders shared their concerns about the situation in the country and the unresolved elections.

Dahir Guelleh, who spoke to the media in Mogadishu, said the election was marred by irregularities and that it was the responsibility of outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo.

Candidate Dahir Guelleh also accused Farmajo of obstructing the election process, and made it clear that state leaders had called on them to play their part in the election process.

Finally, candidate Dahir Guelleh said that state leaders had requested that security operations be handed over to outgoing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo to prevent similar incidents on February 19th.

On February 19, forces under President Farmajo opened fire in Mogadishu during a peaceful protest, killing several, a practice widely condemned.

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