Sunday, March 28, 2021

Farmajo convenes parliament tomorrow with agenda for extension

  Lawmakers have been sent a message today that the council will convene tomorrow, with the agenda of extending the term of the president and that eagle troops have been deployed to the parliament building to force an extension and kidnap lawmakers. somalia

Cheese has been processed and will force an adviser abaabulki after observing that the Army intended to squeeze the heavy duty xilibanada mailbox horjeedsadana will face imprisonment and torture that is contrary to law

We know that Farmajo has already made it clear that he will not stay in power and will not hold elections in the country, as evidenced by the use of eagle forces and kidnappings in the eastern part of the Somali parliament without the country being able to use force and dictatorship.

The meeting will be attended by opposition lawmakers, who last night barred Mursal from attending the next five meetings after accusing him of obstructing yesterday's meeting against the extension.

The lawmakers said white-clad NISA troops and eagle troops had been brought out of the hall to force the extension.

However, the chairman's announcement comes at a time when opposition members have said they will not be able to attend, and opposition lawmakers have vowed to attend council meetings, fueling tensions.

The intellectuals and the public will understand opposing authorities Executive is barely working of abuse and oppression on the basis of which they banaanbaxayo baaqayn to begin with so looga who are against the government failed to conduct legislative language ganbiga

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