farmajo requests conference with regional governors - Dream Smart


Sunday, March 21, 2021

farmajo requests conference with regional governors

The international community should press Vermajo to step down from power and hold fair elections.

After the U.S. rebuke of Vermajo, he tries to pretend that he wants to communicate to resolve the crisis by holding a conference with the regional governors, but the fact of the matter is that the Fermago conference will not come up with a solution to the crisis, which is a new attempt to extend the crisis.

Vermajo must agree to the opposition's demands if he wants to meet with the provincial governors.

It is the fact that the meetings that Pharmago advocates are not effective every time he is under pressure to entertain politicians who oppose his distorted policies and draw international attention.

He called for a meeting after U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said the United States called on Farmajo to set aside short-term political objectives, take responsibility for the Somali people and hold early elections.

After several meetings, the National Security Council agreed on two points to resolve the political crisis in the country.

The conference called by Vermajo and the transfer of control over the country's security and elections was held by Vermajo, and the return of the former police to work with Amisom in the Government of Roble and the heads of regional administrations to play their role in electoral matters. .

However, the opposition believes that it has not exacerbated the situation in the country by insisting on its participation in the conference, and will reportedly rely on Ahmed Madobe and Said Dini.

Finally, I call on Presidents Corey Goodlawi not to go ahead and commit with the National Safety Council to remove the status of the Luga complex.

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