Farmajo is beating the drums of war again in Somalia, leading it to its civil war - Dream Smart


Saturday, March 20, 2021

Farmajo is beating the drums of war again in Somalia, leading it to its civil war

Farmajo evaded to prevent the elections from taking place and clung to the presidency and began to accelerate the pace of his coup after the US Secretary of State's statement rebuked him for stalling the elections. The Somali internal situation is now shifting from negotiations and meetings to the stage of carrying arms.


 Farmajo is beating the drums of war and re-igniting sedition again in Somalia and using Turkish weapons and Qatari funding to implement their plans and ensure their survival in power.


 Somalia is deteriorating and turning from bad to worse because of Farmajo and his government. The country's course has shifted from negotiations and meetings to carrying arms and war.

 On Thursday, the Save the Nation Council was announced, which includes the Speaker of the Senate of the outgoing Federal Parliament, the states of Puntland and Jubaland, the Union of Presidential Candidates and the Political Council for People of Descendants of the Northern Territories.




 And the president of the Senate, Abdi Hashi Abdullah, was chosen as the president of the new council, and Hashi indicated that they would make efforts to include other political parties in the council, which he said hoped to lead the country in the right direction.




 The President of Puntland State, Saeed Abdullah Dani, stressed the importance of all participating in saving the country, adding that the doors of the Council are open to anyone who wants to contribute to saving the country and holding elections that satisfy everyone, noting that the outgoing President Muhammad Abdullah Farmajo has failed to achieve a peaceful transfer of power.  

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