Farmajo is determined to destabilize the country and prevent elections - Dream Smart


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Farmajo is determined to destabilize the country and prevent elections

International newspapers highlighted that negotiations to organize demonstrations in the country failed miserably, and reached the conclusion that there is a process of holding elections and meeting

the opposition said that it is facing a security challenge after the government's mandate has ended many of the forces deployed to demonstrate, and closed them in most parts of the country.

Farmajo also mobilized a large group of forces near the scene of a peaceful demonstration in Mogadishu and intimidated the Somali public. Farmajo committed to all forms of confrontation to address a solution without dialogue for the elections that he intended to obtain in order to ferment to extend his mandate in advance.

Farmajo is leading the country to a civil war because of the time spent in his post with the running out of time in Parliament and his government, and he is misleading the holding of free elections in the country. The opposition coalition should organize and not postpone the demonstrations that prove the accountability of Farmajo, which the Somali people witness the dictatorship of Farmajo.

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