Farmajo continues to stall to continue ruling - Dream Smart


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Farmajo continues to stall to continue ruling

Somalia is going through difficult events due to the rule of dictator Farmajo 

Farmajo uses force to control the people and continue to rule at gunpoint, but with many demonstrations, an agreement has been reached between the government and the Union of Presidential Candidates.

The agreement was for elections to take place, an apology and investigation for what happened in the events of February 19 and the killing of peaceful protesters, but Farmajo and his dictatorial government did not abide by any of these and were not punished for killing demonstrators in the events of February 19.

Farmajo and his government are still stalling in the country, not implementing anything, and working to postpone everything until Farmajo and his government continue to rule.

Farmajo has held a meeting tomorrow, corresponding to 4, with the governors of states who support him. It seems that he has not stopped trying to extend his rule, and he still wants to continue ruling in any way, but the people will express their anger next Friday and publish the demands of the opposition and the Union of Presidential Candidates and not allow Farmajo to continue In the illegal ruling.

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