The Somalis will not calm untill the depature of Farmajo - Dream Smart


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

The Somalis will not calm untill the depature of Farmajo

The Somali people continue their struggle until they achieve what they want

Farmajo has become unwanted by all the people, so he must hand over power peacefully so that the country does not enter into turmoil and chaos, and the Somali people must stick to democracy and demand elections and meet the call of opposition leaders and leaders to go down next Friday 19/2/2021 to demonstrate peacefully against Farmajo in order to hand over power Peacefully

Farmajo does not care about the Somali people and extends his term without referring to anyone. So what are we waiting for? We see our country being kidnapped by a tyrannical dictator, and will we remain silent? It is not possible. I am the first to respond to the call of the opposition leaders to go down next Friday 19/2/2021 for a peaceful demonstration to get rid of Farmajo's rule tyrant

I call on the Somali community on Friday 19-2-2021 to hold a peaceful demonstration against a four-year-old regime that is undermining the country and is now intending to take over the leadership illegally.

Article 20 of the Somali constitution allows for the general protest of the Somali people and we must unite in this process since he takes over the leadership of the country without any harm or benefit.

Persecution, murder, looting, repression, rape, absence of government and bad advice have been inherited from the dictatorial regime of the past four years

Farmajo cannot fulfill his dream of extending his term or leading the Somali people again and the Somali people must take a unified decision against the outgoing President Farmajo.

The Somali people, the opposition and the opposition, children and refugees alike, are united in their opposition to the corrupt Farmajo regime, and I will remind them again to participate in the demonstration that will be held next Friday in Mogadishu to liberate our country.

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