Farmajo's procrastination continues and the transitional government supports his decisions - Dream Smart


Monday, February 22, 2021

Farmajo's procrastination continues and the transitional government supports his decisions

The scene of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, takes us now back to the year 1991, and the civil war that was sparked there by an action that did not want all the blood that was shed except for his personal interests to fill his coffers,

During the past two days, the Somali capital, Mogadishu, flared up again, as the sounds of bullets and explosions rang out, raising fears of the return of the specter of civil war and terrorist attacks, to make it clear that special forces trained by Turkey are behind this terrifying scenario.

Somalia has been experiencing a political crisis since the beginning of February, after the end of the term of President Muhammad Abdullah, known as "Farmajo," and is delaying and trying in every way to postpone the elections until the term of his rule is extended, and the transitional government supports Farmajo in all his injustice and corruption in the country.

But the people want to hold new and fair elections and appoint a new president, but Farmajo is using dictatorial rule and using force to impose his control on the country and the demonstrations will continue until elections are held and Farmajo is removed and punished for his crimes

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