Farmajo didn't know what is the meaning of justice? - Dream Smart


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Farmajo didn't know what is the meaning of justice?

On Social Justice Day, the United States proves that Farmajo is the cause of the Somalia crisis

Farmajo causes all the problems of Somalia and its instability and national security, and he wants to impose his domination and tyrannical power over the people and the state and use his forces against the people in order to continue in power as long as possible. But since when will a people accept a president who imposes itself on them, and by its way killing, suppressing and suppressing the voices?

Scott Ilhan Omar, a member of Congress, was remarkable because she never spoke about these demonstrations nor the manner of dealing with the demonstrators, and she was in an unusual silence. She cares about everything related to Somalia and its events. When this time the silence, the people needed an influential person.

America has proven and said that Farmajo is the cause of the current Somalia crisis and accused him that postponing the elections he is carrying out is the reason for all the coups that have occurred in Somalia and that he must stop his farce in order to remain in power.

Farmajo is a not good president, and the people want to get rid of him so that he can once again stand on his feet and build the state as the people want it, not as their president wants it, oppressive in a dictatorial manner.

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