Somalis live in injustice and they are forbidden to speak - Dream Smart


Monday, January 18, 2021

Somalis live in injustice and they are forbidden to speak

 Somalia is the only place where journalists are killed to not telling the truth

A local journalist is still being held at Mogadishu Central Prison without charge.

Ahmed Ali Kilwe, the editor, was arrested by anti-terrorism forces in early July in connection with an article he accused President Farmajo of posting on his Facebook page.

In a statement, the Somali Media Association condemned Kilwe's arrest and expressed concern about media freedom facing illegal detention.
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This is not the first time government agencies have used force to arrest journalists. In all previous cases, security forces have arrested journalists on the orders of government officials." the government to act and respect the empowerment of freedom of speech but it seems that the authorities are always ignoring our call,

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) also called on the government to immediately release Kilwe and allow him to work without fear or punishment.

Several journalists have been arrested in Mogadishu in recent years, raising concerns about the freedom of journalists working in Mogadishu.

Farmajo and his government are trying to silence all their opponents in every possible way in somalia only the oppressors, the educated and the intelligent are being killed.
We support our government, I do not support all journalists honestly partaken looga demonstration against the decision, the arrest of a journalist please stand united journalists

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