The Visit of Abdiqader Mohamed Nor to Turkey - Dream Smart


Monday, December 28, 2020

The Visit of Abdiqader Mohamed Nor to Turkey

 Turkey buys property of Somali people

Somali Minister of Justice Abdulkadir Muhumed Nur visited Turkey, which is not a secret. taala Ankara

Before becoming a minister in Turkey, Abdul Qadir Muhumed trained to be a Turkish-Somali man who carried Turkish ideas.
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These visits are coming from both incumbent and non-incumbent officials as the current presidential candidate Hassan Ali Khaire, who previously held the post of former Prime Minister Farmajo and is now in opposition to gain financial and political support.

Abdikarim Hassan Guled and Hassan Ali Khaire held a secret meeting in Turkey where Qatar held all the same political decisions in order to get instructions on the election process.

Turkey does not interfere in the role of the Alliance in Somalia but plays an important role in Somalia's internal and external political decisions.

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