Saturday, December 19, 2020

The bombing in Galkayo and the details

 Galkayo (sh.M.Network) reports from Galkayo confirm that a car bomb had exploded at a police station in Galkayo.

Explosion in Galkayo
Galkayo (sh.M.Network) reports from the town of Galkayo confirm that a car bomb had exploded at a party in the town of Galkayo.
officials from Puntland State of Somalia

An explosion at the airport's entrance has killed former Galkayo mayor Muhumed Yassin I Tumay and other Somali military officials.

It seems that the somali people are tired of the lies of cheese and its cabin which you can see from the recent events

The Somali people will never accept that Farmajo has come with something that is not worthwhile and they have sent a strong message to the government that Farmajo is a bearded man and all of Somalia felt that there was an uprising against Farmajo.

The Somali people want free and fair elections in the country and they have not demanded that he resign despite his political views

The Somali people will never accept that Farmajo has come with something that is not worthwhile and they have sent a strong message to the government that Farmajo is a bearded man and all of Somalia felt that there was an uprising against Farmajo.

The Somali people want free and fair elections in the country and they have not demanded that he resign despite his political views.

Farmajo's postponement of the elections is clearly destabilizing the country as light weapons are already being sold in the capital Mogadishu and prices have risen.

  Somalia's President Farmajo decides to return to the presidency no matter what, which has already destroyed the country.

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