Sunday, December 20, 2020

Farmajo loses all his popularity and became a burned card

 popular uprising against Farmajo begins in somalia

Protests in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, have escalated, and as soil has risen, it now appears to be targeting Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, and protesters have been seen at the Shingaani district roundabout. posting a picture of President Farmajo attached there

The anger of the people of Mogadishu is unprecedented, and it is feared that the situation will get out of hand, unless the government comes up with an immediate solution. in Galkayo in an attempt to appeal to the Somali people and bring them to justice as he felt an increase in public outrage.

People no longer trust Farmajo's false promises and he always threatens Al-Shabaab with decisive action but so far he has done nothing.

Farmajo's attempt to win over the public to get more votes is clear to all groups of people and he will not even succeed in protecting the votes of his supporters, knowing the possibility of his success Farmajo's promises are innumerable, and he has not fulfilled any of them, e.g. He has promised to remove all AMISOM and Al Shabaab forces from the country in just two years but until the last day of his rule he is still urging US troops not to leave the country.

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