The agreement against Farmajo - Dream Smart


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The agreement against Farmajo

 Khayre & Guled hold secret meetings in the valley and want to choose another cheese if it does not come out

Hassan Ali Khaire and Abdikarin Hussein Guled, members of the Union of 2021 Presidential Candidates, held a secret meeting in Doha, Qatar, with senior Somali intelligence officials during the visit of former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire, a presidential candidate. a trip to Russia traveled

Doha to attend secret meetings, although he was expected to return to Istanbul, where he had initially begun his trip without being reported by his campaign team, but his trip to Moscow was announced following media reports.

Abdikarin Hussein Guled, a member of the Union of Candidates who is believed to be a political ally of President Farmajo and the Qatari government, also made an unannounced trip to Nairobi and then crossed the Doha to attend sensitive meetings. Opened Both

Candidates meeting before a brief meeting with the government official in Doha, then matches them to a special closed session meetings with intelligence officials in Doha in which candidates have declined this trip, with both

The two sides have confirmed that their candidates are in Istanbul and Nairobi. Candidates Abdikarin Guled and Hassan Ali Qeyre, who are close to the ruling party, will be Qatar's second choice if Farmajo leaves.

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