Farmajo's corruption will end soon - Dream Smart


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Farmajo's corruption will end soon

Opposition groups call for immediate end to hostilities in Somalia

Farmajo has appointed a commission that he says will save Somalia without consulting with opposition parties, which has sparked outrage, with opposition parties saying they will take action. The country is leading a civil war in which Famajo has failed to form a credible electoral commission with the aim of bringing in an electoral commission to help him get back on track.

Farmajo did not consider many delegates to discuss the election of opposition parties, which is seen as a dictatorship and a path taken by the politicians and the Somali people are tired of the crisis and the world is confused about Somali politics.

In any case, it is felt that somalis are immature in governance and unable to overcome obstacles such as security, economic development and coexistence in their homeland, however farmajo has failed. as expected by the somali community and it is feared that the country will return and that is the despair of the traditional leaders who are always trying to mediate and fail due to the stubbornness of farmajo

Farmajo has resisted calls from the international community and the international community
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