Thursday, December 31, 2020

Next demonstrations are to take all of our rights

 Peaceful demonstrations next Thursday and Friday against the postponement of the elections

Mogadishu (sh.M.Network) the mayor of Mogadishu Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys has strongly condemned today's suicide attack in Mogadishu.

Large demonstrations against the federal government leadership are scheduled to take place in Mogadishu on Thursday and Friday.
The protests are said to be organized by angry citizens who have accused the current president of not wanting to run in the elections.

Specifically, according to the information we have received, the planned demonstrations are being pushed back by the members of the candidates' union council, which is made up of the most influential candidates in the political arena.

Sources close to the protesters say the protests will take place in several places in Makkah al-Mukarama in the capital Mogadishu. demonstrations on Thursday and next Friday to have a chance to confront these unsuspecting civilians.

It was also reported that if the protests take place as planned, they will be the beginning of a series of demonstrations that will take place in Mogadishu in the coming days.

The protests were said to be in defiance of President Farmajo's plan to hold a unilateral election in his country and to postpone the country's elections to the disputed Farmajo-run commission.

The youths are making efforts to get the people of the 17 districts of Benadir region to gather to take part in the demonstrations that are planned to take place in Mogadishu.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Illegal approve from the parliament

The outgoing parliament approved the 2021 budget without the power to approve it

The outgoing parliament has signed the new 2021 budget and the approval of the government's budget raises many questions about the extent to which it is really serving the country or Farmajo's personal interests.

On December 29 last year, a similar meeting announced the approval of the Government's 2020 Budget but no closing accounts were made.

The Somali parliament has no endorsement as its leaders come to nominate the president of Somalia and no one knows where the money goes from the government and it is the only institution whose budget is approved by the president and speaker Mursal Muse the parliament has signed the 2021 budget. will operate in government.

However, the National Audit Office (NAO) said in a recent 2019 report that remittances from Mogadishu Port go to government accounts without sufficient evidence, which is against the law.

Asked about the power of any parliament that has expired to approve the government's budget Farmajo's plan became popular with any decision taken, as the election should not be postponed for him, the parliament would dissolve to approve the budget. the new parliament.

The current parliament considers all its powers to have ceased from the date it was suspended. closed the postponement of the elections and the existence of Farmajo.


The failure Farmajo and his acts

 Farmajo and his electoral commission failed to hold elections on time

The disputed Federal Electoral Commission has announced that there has been another delay in the start of the Upper House elections.

State presidents are scheduled to release a list of candidates for the upper house today, but a statement from the disputed Federal Electoral Commission said the deadline has been extended to January 5 by a week.

The Committee shares with the Heads of State of the Federal Member States that the application process for the Upper House candidates ends on 5 January 2021, while the race for the Upper House seats is scheduled to take place between 7-14 January 2021, ”the statement said. said the Committee's press release.

The commission broke off relations with the President of Galmudug, and wrote in a press statement: .

The issue appears to have been deliberately targeted at the President of Galmudug, whose name has been announced by the Commission, following a recent joint press statement by the President of Puntland, calling for a solution to the electoral dispute.

It came under the pretext of submitting the opposition's vote to reach a national consensus but it is actually a prelude to another postponement and repetition of this unspecified issue. The disputed Electoral Commission will help Farmajo stay in power. Implementing the final stage of his dangerous agenda of postponing and extending his term Farmajo, when he lost the Elections, forced him to try all the illegal means to keep him in his position.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Dissolving the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and forming a temporary body

Somali Chamber of Commerce administration disbanded

The Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Federal Government of Somalia has approved the dissolution of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in a circular issued by the Ministry to the Official Media.

Farmajo is dismissing a business decision-maker to replace those who serve his political agenda and pursue his own interests in order to return to power and could lead to a recession.

The Farmajo-led government has no interest in business in Somalia and wants to conclude non-commercial political agreements.

In addition to the positive impact of the Chamber of Commerce on the revitalization of the Somali economy, Farmajo should expedite agreements that will help restore order in the Somali economy. somalia if he fails to return to Cukunka.

The collapse of somalia has been a source of concern for some time now and the people of somalia need to address this issue which could lead to economic hardship in somalia as it is already struggling with poor leadership. Farmajo's failures are unfolding

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Visit of Abdiqader Mohamed Nor to Turkey

 Turkey buys property of Somali people

Somali Minister of Justice Abdulkadir Muhumed Nur visited Turkey, which is not a secret. taala Ankara

Before becoming a minister in Turkey, Abdul Qadir Muhumed trained to be a Turkish-Somali man who carried Turkish ideas.
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

These visits are coming from both incumbent and non-incumbent officials as the current presidential candidate Hassan Ali Khaire, who previously held the post of former Prime Minister Farmajo and is now in opposition to gain financial and political support.

Abdikarim Hassan Guled and Hassan Ali Khaire held a secret meeting in Turkey where Qatar held all the same political decisions in order to get instructions on the election process.

Turkey does not interfere in the role of the Alliance in Somalia but plays an important role in Somalia's internal and external political decisions.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

The conference od presidential candidates in Mogadishu

 Cambareyay opposition factions and shooting attacks Protesters

Presidential candidates held a press conference in Mogadishu to discuss the incident in which a gunman opened fire on protesters at the Banadir intersection.

Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on behalf of the Candidates' Union condemned the atrocities committed by the security forces and recognized the right of the Somali people to express their views.

The forum was attended by Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Han Ali Khaire and all the leaders of the opposition partiesFarmajo is following in the footsteps of the Revolutionary Government that brought up the people as they wished.

Citizens want to express their views in a peaceful manner but Farmajo has stopped the public from speaking out.

That was the one that destroyed somalia and now the path followed by FarmajoFarmajo has succeeded in being a political statesman and has turned to the revolutionary uprising of dictatorship and repression of dissent.

Presidential candidates are strongly against this method alone shows the suppression of an authoritarian power structures and has warned against the use of military force, which has brought forward public

Saturday, December 26, 2020

security forces and protesters in Somalia

somali security forces and protesters used bullets resulting in injuries and deaths

Farmajo prevented the spread of the protests and used government security forces to use the green light to disperse the militant group.

Farmajo is determined to divide the people even if there is a need for killings and torture, which shows that the revolution is back.

Yesterday Jumcihi were in the streets of Mogadishu rallies looga dhigsta opposed to Somalia despite the elections to the Salmiya area leaving it with blasphemy duhurkiinkaste watigi late hours of the event was the same mrkiiba

Prayer Friday shooting not consider the presence of so many women and children in the area

Farmajo has failed and lost the ability to deal with all the files in somalia and his main interest is only to get back to the seat which has had dire consequences for the somali people in all respects.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Farmajo is failure and destroyed Somalia

Despair of the security situation and Farmajo's failure has led to a public uprising

A statement from opposition politicians said the failure of Villa Somalia was a threat to Somalia. dictatorship while the people's hopes for peace, reconciliation and political wisdom have been shattered

Mr. Farmajo, who longed for greater control, insisted that the regional governments take full control of the region. Controlling these regions, they thought, would help them secure the 2020 presidential election. The Galmudug state was the main target.

Among the issues raised in the statement was Villa Somalia's strategy to fight al-Shabaab, which has become a roadblock in Mogadishu and has become a problem for citizens as the people's dream of a "person and voice" election has been dashed.

There is also the fact that in the last three years, the Farmajo administration has not come up with a single victory but has done it politically and socially, and therefore has been prevented from holding unconstitutional exercises in power.

I call on all Somalis who love goodness to join hands and embark on a new journey of rebuilding the nation, starting with the prevention of illegal governance exercises and in line with his return to the presidency he has decided not to. pay attention to the internal affairs

His country and the fact that he went abroad for useless plane visits shows the extent of the current government's failure when he returned from Djibouti did not even try to calm the situation inside Somalia and took refuge in foreign aid for what he did during his visit. Djibouti's latest issue raised at IGAD summit

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Friday's protests to stop Farmajo's corruption

 Encouraging clans in the Somali capital Mogadishu to take part in Friday's protests


All the people in southern Somalia have become aware of corruption, injustice and insecurity, especially in the Hawiye clan, and have declared a popular uprising in protest of the corrupt leadership of the country

Somali clans should support the Hawiye, the largest reformist community in the country, and oppose the fascists who are abusing the rule of Somalia.

The Hawiye clan has now woken up from their slumber and is aware of Farmajo's conspiracies against the Hawiye clan. is the cheese of the enemy of the community as they saw that he was targeting Haldoor and their politicians from the larger Hawiye community

The Dir tribes have a chance to throw in the towel and the mob organized by the mercenaries.

Send the clans to support the Hawiye community to save the country and get rid of the new revival of the revolution.

Farmajo has made it clear that he is serving the Marehan community, which is another group that agrees with the injustice, so it is appropriate to take part in the protests on Friday 25-12-2020, which is the hope we have today

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Al-Shayab movement seeks destruction and killing in Somalia

 Al-Shabab executes a man and cuts off another's hand for theft

Al-Shabaab carried out the death sentence against Abdullah Abdi Othman (47 years), whom it accused of killing the teacher of Awais Arbu Muhammad.

The execution - according to the Al-Asimah News Network - took place in the "Cuneo Pro" area in the Lower Shabelle governorate, adjacent to the capital, Mogadishu. The judge of the Al-Qaeda-linked movement indicated that Othman was found guilty of killing the aforementioned.

On the other hand, the youth movement in a public square in the town of “Adam Ybal” in the central Shabelle region, north of the capital Mogadishu, cut off the hand of the 18-year-old Mukhtar Muhyiddin Muhammad, who accused him of stealing an amount of 2,600 Somali shillings

It is noteworthy that Al-Shabaab executes people it accuses of committing murder or espionage for foreign parties, as well as cutting off the hands of those it condemns for theft.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Tha Somalis will stop Farmajo's terror acts next friday

An ongoing campaign in the Somali capital is scheduled for Friday

The importance of creating a large and peaceful Somali conference to ensure that the government holds the elections on time is set to take place on Friday 12-25-2020 after the prayers

The people of Somalia are determined never to delay the elections on time and continue to speak in a free and fair manner.

They also demanded the removal of security and intelligence officials from the Electoral Commission

The Somali people have demanded that there be freedom of choice as well as election integrity.

The people of Somalia are calling for an end to the interference of foreign countries in the elections in Somalia and for the absence of anything that could lead to further conflicts and civil wars in the country.

The international community urges the Somali government and opposition parties to refrain from anything that could lead to delays in the elections and to hold them at a mutually acceptable time, as well as anything that could lead to violence and civil war.

The people of Somalia are skeptical that Farmajo will turn a deaf ear to this and that the country will fall into a never-ending hole.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Farmajo loses all his popularity and became a burned card

 popular uprising against Farmajo begins in somalia

Protests in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, have escalated, and as soil has risen, it now appears to be targeting Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, and protesters have been seen at the Shingaani district roundabout. posting a picture of President Farmajo attached there

The anger of the people of Mogadishu is unprecedented, and it is feared that the situation will get out of hand, unless the government comes up with an immediate solution. in Galkayo in an attempt to appeal to the Somali people and bring them to justice as he felt an increase in public outrage.

People no longer trust Farmajo's false promises and he always threatens Al-Shabaab with decisive action but so far he has done nothing.

Farmajo's attempt to win over the public to get more votes is clear to all groups of people and he will not even succeed in protecting the votes of his supporters, knowing the possibility of his success Farmajo's promises are innumerable, and he has not fulfilled any of them, e.g. He has promised to remove all AMISOM and Al Shabaab forces from the country in just two years but until the last day of his rule he is still urging US troops not to leave the country.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

The bombing in Galkayo and the details

 Galkayo (sh.M.Network) reports from Galkayo confirm that a car bomb had exploded at a police station in Galkayo.

Explosion in Galkayo
Galkayo (sh.M.Network) reports from the town of Galkayo confirm that a car bomb had exploded at a party in the town of Galkayo.
officials from Puntland State of Somalia

An explosion at the airport's entrance has killed former Galkayo mayor Muhumed Yassin I Tumay and other Somali military officials.

It seems that the somali people are tired of the lies of cheese and its cabin which you can see from the recent events

The Somali people will never accept that Farmajo has come with something that is not worthwhile and they have sent a strong message to the government that Farmajo is a bearded man and all of Somalia felt that there was an uprising against Farmajo.

The Somali people want free and fair elections in the country and they have not demanded that he resign despite his political views

The Somali people will never accept that Farmajo has come with something that is not worthwhile and they have sent a strong message to the government that Farmajo is a bearded man and all of Somalia felt that there was an uprising against Farmajo.

The Somali people want free and fair elections in the country and they have not demanded that he resign despite his political views.

Farmajo's postponement of the elections is clearly destabilizing the country as light weapons are already being sold in the capital Mogadishu and prices have risen.

  Somalia's President Farmajo decides to return to the presidency no matter what, which has already destroyed the country.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Farmajo's terror acts in Somalia

 Farmajo begins locking up opponents in their homes through the military

Brief cheese and committing abuse of power and avoid using special interests who have ordered the armed forces to the country for all detained opposition politicians have done their home on the military forces

This comes at a time when the public is protesting against corruption and Farmajo has begun using the country's military against the people and the opposition

Opposition candidates have learned of the deployment of troops near their residences in the capital Mogadishu.


Farmajo's actions since he took office are similar to those of Siyadbare's uncle in Somalia, who have so far been unable to recover from the political turmoil caused by the dictatorship.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The warning of UN to Farmajo

 UN warns of delay in elections

The United Nations says it is concerned about the political situation in Somalia.
A statement from the United Nations said.

With the recent convening of the Forum for Somalia Cooperation, the international community remains deeply concerned about the current disagreement over the implementation of the 2020/21 electoral process.
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

They call for the dispute to be resolved in a manner that respects the agreement reached by the Heads of the Federal Government and the Federal Member States.

Friends of Somalia reiterate their call for the Heads of the Federal Government and Federal Member States to reconvene immediately and contact other stakeholders to resolve concerns about managing the electoral process through a consensus agreement. built for timely, transparent, credible elections accepted by the Somali people and all key stakeholders

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The people protest against anyone with Farmajo

 Looga protests against the Prime Minister in Mogadishu

The governor held looga protests against the federal government in Somalia.The demonstrations, which were attended by a large number of youths, began this morning in Karaan and Yaqshid districts of Benadir region.

The crowd chanted slogans such as ‘let President Farmajo fall’ as a dictator and other words to express their feelings.The situation was tense, with protesters burning tires on some key roads

The protesters, who were reportedly shot, were later chased away by Somali security forces.

The shootings reportedly caused heavy casualties and more troops were deployed on some roads to prevent the planned protests.

Troops, mostly on Maka Al-Mukarramah Road, have halted traffic, with people using their feet.

In addition to the recent activities of political antagonism, which looga said election.

The agreement against Farmajo

 Khayre & Guled hold secret meetings in the valley and want to choose another cheese if it does not come out

Hassan Ali Khaire and Abdikarin Hussein Guled, members of the Union of 2021 Presidential Candidates, held a secret meeting in Doha, Qatar, with senior Somali intelligence officials during the visit of former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire, a presidential candidate. a trip to Russia traveled

Doha to attend secret meetings, although he was expected to return to Istanbul, where he had initially begun his trip without being reported by his campaign team, but his trip to Moscow was announced following media reports.

Abdikarin Hussein Guled, a member of the Union of Candidates who is believed to be a political ally of President Farmajo and the Qatari government, also made an unannounced trip to Nairobi and then crossed the Doha to attend sensitive meetings. Opened Both

Candidates meeting before a brief meeting with the government official in Doha, then matches them to a special closed session meetings with intelligence officials in Doha in which candidates have declined this trip, with both

The two sides have confirmed that their candidates are in Istanbul and Nairobi. Candidates Abdikarin Guled and Hassan Ali Qeyre, who are close to the ruling party, will be Qatar's second choice if Farmajo leaves.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Farmajo scandals and his theft to Somalia

 Auditor General reveals missing funds and the situation in Villa Somalia

According to the National Audit Office, there are 17 federal agencies, including the Office of the President, the Armed Forces, NISA, the courts, the Attorney General and several unaccounted for ministries by 2019.

Meanwhile, the audit found that $ 1.8 million was not accounted for by the international community, while federal government agencies investigated, including the office of the prime minister, parliament and the ministry. The government found no evidence of US $ 5,305,364.48

Read below for details of lost funds.

The lower offices, which were audited by the National Audit Office in 2019, said their payments and receipts did not result in any accounts and there was no evidence of their whereabouts.

Read Office Details:


An investigation by the National Audit Office found that the payment of US $ 747,865.00 was found without sufficient evidence which is against the law. As a result, the accuracy of this payment could not be verified.

Upper house

The Audit Report states that the upper house paid $ 51,000.00 in February, April, June and July 2019 which does not have sufficient evidence such as; patient payment request, medical forms or information, invoices and receipts. As a result, the accuracy of this payment could not be verified.

Office of the Prime Minister:

For its part, the prime minister’s office paid $ 163,806.49 without sufficient evidence which is against the law. As a result, the accuracy of this payment could not be verified.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

For its part, the prime minister’s office paid $ 163,806.49 without sufficient evidence which is against the law. As a result, the accuracy of this payment could not be verified.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

The audit includes the payment of US $ 399,559.40 without sufficient evidence which is against the law. As a result, the accuracy of this payment could not be verified

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Turkey try to control Somalia and take all the advantages from it

 Farmajo and his Turkish counterpart have discussed online that Turkey wants to send mercenaries.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to build a military force in the Horn of Africa nation.
He is in the process of taking control of the whole of Somalia so that he can do whatever he wants.

We do not want to rule the peace in the region and the whole of Somalia because we have been in conflict for a while and now that the Somali army has invaded another government is bad for us Turkey and soon to withdraw from the war the Somali people must prevent that problem before it happens

Erdogan is taking advantage of Farmajo's needs during the last days of his rule in Somalia to fully manage all the cohesion of the Somali government. Farmajo is handing over the keys to Somalia.

Turkey's occupation of his country, economically, as well as militarily, by sending mercenaries to support the Farmajo-led government and maintain control of Ordugan does not intend to back down from its plan to control Somalia's assets and political decisions. 

If Erdogan is sincere, as he claims, then why does he support the still-strong al-Shabaab and the question that every Somali should ask is what is the secret behind Turkey's support for Somalia, and why is it back?

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The murder of killing the officers

 Who was behind the massacred officers?

Army killing of the victim officers Haqdaridai s a question of who is behind it

The news says that it is behind Somalia to put on top of abdi shakur

Surprisingly, these officers left without a trace. This is clearly a conspiracy behind Farmajo and Fahad Yassin.

Why is the ruling government arresting the culprits who killed so many officials in the country ?? If he was killed by a non-clan official, why did he wait 2 years before?

would not have happened if the Abdirahman Abdishakur clan was behind this assassination ??

What happened to the killing of the officials during this election ??

Why does the government want chaos in the country to prevent elections?

The assassination of the officers requires a thorough investigation

The men who defended their nation

The men who took the enemy

Coffee ground

The men were sweating

That our nation lasts

When killed by tribalism

Heart Sow Ima bokoonin

Almighty God

Cool the grave all of you

Farmajo's corruption is from a long time but there's no action

 In an interview in 2016, Farmajo criticized the previous government of Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, but so far no action has been taken

Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed (Farmajo) has criticized the political process of the government of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and accused the president of not having a stable policy, describing it as a marriage that is only tangible. No new Prime Minister, no new Prime Minister, no new Prime Minister, no new Prime Minister. Government policy does not seem to be stable, it is moving from time to time exists. 

It has no political basis.  Mr. Farmajo spoke about the insecurity in Mogadishu, and pointed out that if most of the Somali government's revenue is not spent on the Armed Forces, there will be no security for the much-needed government, if not spent. In the military, security is not achieved. The soldier is dying, he is wounded, he is suffering and we must be aware of that. 

Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo also said that the government of Somalia is responsible for the care of the armed forces, and the family of the soldier who dies for the nation is aware that the responsibility of the government is the care of the soldier and everything that happens to the soldier is the responsibility of the government. The government is required to take care of the family of the dying soldier. ” According to Farmajo, the Somali people believe that there was a lot of hope when President Farmajo took office, and that hope is much lower today when he took office.

Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said yesterday that when we were there we were criticized and we talked about the system of government. Today the president used to criticize us. gave the government a chance but could not look at the current government system which is much wrong

The government led by President Farmajo, who has two months left in his term, is facing pressure from political parties and opposition leaders, and the country is currently facing the strongest political situation. Farmajo has exposed the failure of his policies.

to align with his predecessors and proved a naked attack on the government before him, although it repeated the failure of his leadership and rule if the previous ones were failures, so what did he do to survive this defeat.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Turkey's terror acts in Somalia

Turkey is the enemy of Somalia, but the Somali people do not feel it

Turkey is the enemy of Somalia, but the Somali people do not feel it, and this is because of Turkey's false training of a small number of Somali soldiers.

Turkey is pretending to support young Somalis who want to live a better life and study by providing fake scholarships to join Erdogan's terrorist forces.

Turkey encourages young Somalis to emigrate illegally to their homeland, in order to attract the dream of emigrating to Europe, the beautiful but more than half of the migrants.

More than half of the people who arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos since 1 November have come from Somalia and crossed the Turkish border.

Somalis get student visas, or health care visas to and from Turkey. 


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Qatar washes its hands from what between it and Somalia

 Qatar announces support for Somali elections

The Qatari government has for the first time distanced itself from supporting a particular candidate in the upcoming elections, amid reports that it is backing Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo

Qatar's ambassador to Somalia, Hassan Hamse Mohamed, told VOA's Galka Barista program that his government would never run in Somalia's elections, supporting a particular candidate, according to the statement

He also denied that his government had invested millions of dollars in the election of President Farmajo, which he blamed on the former national auditor, who spoke to the Investigative Reporting Program

That is not true. These allegations are baseless. They are not baseless allegations aimed at tarnishing the image of the Qatari government in Somalia. "Throat," said Qatar's ambassador to Somalia.

The ambassador argued that Qatar was playing a key role in stabilizing Somalia and would not interfere in its internal affairs, including elections.

Former national treasurer, Dr. Nur Farah Jimale has accused the Qatari government of investing $ 8 million in the election of President Farmajo, saying he would prove it, although he did not provide any evidence

The threatens to Simalia government because of it's evil acts

 US Ambassador Threatens to Somalia Government

Yamamoto has sheegqy US effort and cost spent in elections xummaatayna threatens the progress that's been made out of the window, the strong camp.

The US ambassador to Somalia, Donald Yamamoto, said in a statement that Al-Shabaab was planning to attack the Lower Shabelle region, Ballidoogle base and Mogadishu and destroy all the progress made last year and the achievements of the Somali army. AMISOM and other partners.

He spoke directly to the opposition candidates, demanding that there be no other electoral process, and told the Federal Government that any delay in the elections would not be accepted and that the consensus would be implemented.

Today's controversy in the country is due to the fact that the committee appointed by the Farmajo government, which is made up of Somali intelligence, has been rejected by all opposition and religious leaders and the public

Despite the end of the civil war in Somalia, Farmajo is determined to return the country to 1991 and devastation

Pharmacist is not interested in reforming the 
country, but in his own interest

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The call between Farmajo and Tamim

 President Farmajo speaks on the phone with Sheikh Tamin Bin Hamad Al-Thani

In a telephone conversation on Sunday afternoon, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, and the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamin bin Hamad Al-Thani, discussed the situation in Somalia. which starts with the term of President Farmajo who produced them and spent millions of dollars

The Doha government has also handed over control of the country to Somalia by sending ridiculous aid to Farmajo, saying it would strengthen ties with Farmajo. In the past few months, Farmajo and the Emir of Qatar have made telephone contact almost 10 times, and the details of that conversation have been summed up in terms of strengthening ties and cooperation between Mogadishu and Doha.

Qatar is implementing fraudulent projects in the country, while others have promised although they have not done so, and are also providing financial support to strengthen the re-election of cheese The biggest concern facing Farmajo is the 20/21 election. , Security, Trump's plan to remove US troops & other situations the government needs to support

Farmajo has demanded more support because he is concerned about the Hawiye clan and the absence of US troops in Somalia in exchange for Qatar, which controls the country.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Turkey and Somalia and thier plans

 TURKEY Conference and the names of companies that are feared to be signing for Somalia

The Union of Somali Presidential Candidates issued a statement on Saturday expressing concern over the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals' attempt to issue oil exploration licenses, calling the move a blow to national assets, especially during elections and transitions in the country. The statement came after a reported trip to the minister

Oil officials and me to stay in Turkey where they meet face-to-face oil companies interested in the past warned the International Monetary Fund IMF has already warned the federal government to enter into a contract In the case of oil pending the completion of power-sharing agreements that the government has agreed to, the outgoing Farmajo government is now trying to reach an agreement.

14 foreign presidential candidates have expressed opposition to the deals. , if this agreement happens the country's resources will be out of the hands of somalis, as he

is an illegal agreement Turkey always convinces us of a small number of troops being trained in Somalia to achieve its interests Turkey has shown the Somali people to steal and plunder Somalia's oil resources Africa, but also lost its European support for Turkey's policy is to capture the country and its allies before looting national assets

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Farmajo's corruption will end soon

Opposition groups call for immediate end to hostilities in Somalia

Farmajo has appointed a commission that he says will save Somalia without consulting with opposition parties, which has sparked outrage, with opposition parties saying they will take action. The country is leading a civil war in which Famajo has failed to form a credible electoral commission with the aim of bringing in an electoral commission to help him get back on track.

Farmajo did not consider many delegates to discuss the election of opposition parties, which is seen as a dictatorship and a path taken by the politicians and the Somali people are tired of the crisis and the world is confused about Somali politics.

In any case, it is felt that somalis are immature in governance and unable to overcome obstacles such as security, economic development and coexistence in their homeland, however farmajo has failed. as expected by the somali community and it is feared that the country will return and that is the despair of the traditional leaders who are always trying to mediate and fail due to the stubbornness of farmajo

Farmajo has resisted calls from the international community and the international community
More about this source textSource text required for additional translation information

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Farmajo's destroying to Somalia cross all the limits

 Farmajo disrupts HirShabele region

Protesters took to the streets today in Baldwin, burning tires and throwing stones. HirShabelle President Ali Gudlawi is visiting the town, although Hiraan residents will not allow Gudlawi to be nominated as HirShabelle president due to differences in power-sharing arrangements among the region's clans.

The situation in Beledweyne is currently tense and unpopular with many people arrested in recent weeks, leading to a delegation from the government, particularly Interior Minister Mukhtar Arafa, who arrived on Thursday to report on the situation. They said that the national army did not intervene, which seems to be baseless. He did not miss the intervention of the national army and they can not be absent there. That is why the interior minister was sent to Gudlawi to bring him to his community. get a voice in the upcoming election days and the people understand that and that is why they are protesting and dividing the society in which they are being held.

The news adds that a free pres
Detained and detained by a number of journalists in violation of international media norms

Farmajo' attempts to destroy Somalia

 Farmajo's failure comes after he refused to appear before the United Nations and the African Union

Farmajo flees UN-AU summit

Cheese has flats called being invited plane which looga aimed to listen to information about xlada the country with the excuses made him reluctant site to tell the truth and face criticism hot after failing to Farmajo's tenure in Villa Somalia

Farmajo is afraid to expose his failed plan. civil wars with internationally opposed to finding lasting solutions if not possible

This shows that Farmajo does not want Somalia to be an ambitious state, he just wants to stay in power.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Farmajo wants to make civil wars in Somalia

Abdi Shakur says Farmajo is forcing Prime Minister Roble to recognize Jubbaland as an enemy territory

Politician Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, the leader of the Wadajir party, accused President Farmajo of putting too much pressure on Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble.

According to CC Shakur, Farmajo is pursuing a plan to put pressure on Roble to recognize Jubbaland as an enemy territory, and elections will not be held until it is liberated.

Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame added that Rw Roble did not do so, saying it was a political ploy.

We have reliable information that President Farmajo is pressuring Prime Minister Roble to recognize Jubbaland as an enemy territory, and elections cannot be held until it is liberated. If he does that, it will be a coup d'etat and a political hangover, and I call on PM Roble not to do that, ”said Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame

Relations between the Jubbaland administration and the Somali Federal Government now appear to be deteriorating, with the Somali government already deploying troops to Gedo region.

Farmajo wants to provoke war in Jubbaland

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Abdi Hashi’s statements about Farmajo's corruption

 Abdi Hashi highlighted on the spotlight that Farmajo was betraying the Somali people and that he had brought the election commission

A statement from the Office of the Speaker of the House of Elders of the Somali Parliament lamented that the leaders of the federal government are still ignoring the call and ambitions of the northern officials in the process of electing members of parliament for the next four years. criticizes government for continuing training of unrecognized commission that rigged elections

Farmajo is running for re-election and his administration is holding elections in the country and we can see from this that Farmajo is still adamant that he will appoint an unnamed committee from the northern regions and that he has convened in Mogadishu. did not already represent the northern regions and was a member of his civil service.

The Somali people are fed up with Farmajo's attempt to hijack the election and will not allow a single man-run election to take place in the country

If this were the case in siisocoto madhicikartaa the country into political and believe additives that can cause conflict in updates of the entirety of the country back to the days of 90 shows at the Mohamed Siad Barre's military rule, had the force taken kale.

Jubaland will make an election with itself

 Ahmed Madobe: “Jubaland Electoral Commission should go to Garbaharey

The President of the Jubaland State of Somalia, Ahmed Mohamed Islam, addressed a gathering of Jubaland civil society organizations and government agencies.

The meeting was attended by women, youth, scholars, politicians, academics and officials from the two chambers of the Jubaland State and members of the Federal Parliament. He said that Al-Shabaab militants have been exerting pressure on Jubaland in recent days and that they have carried out acts of insecurity. "Illegal weapons are not allowed and those who are found will be prosecuted," he said

He called on the people of Jubbaland to join hands and said that different ideologies and political views can never be combined with tribalism which will further divide the society. 

The President said he authorities to ensure that essential public awareness and focus on saying that many people have been misled by incorrect things have to recognize the greater

He said Jubaland was committed to holding elections in the manner agreed upon and that our country was a symbol of holding elections every four years, adding that Jubaland had the right to administer local elections. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

The failure of Farmajo's government

Farmajo's government has failed to hold elections on time

The failure to schedule the vote in the federal and state governments agreed in a strong dispute over election committees at the federal level and the regional administration.

The previously agreed timetable was for the state elections to begin on December 1, but that did not happen today, and it is not yet known when the elections will begin.

Farmajo does not want to hold a fair election so he is obstructing it to get an extension or to arm him so that he can be re-elected.

Failure in the task of re-election because of the controversial looga nomination and election committees and autonomous region are still reluctant to complete the selection committees

Opposition leaders also objected to the election being administered by the newly-appointed election commissions, which they said were dominated by Farmajo supporters and security officials.

Somalia's elections, originally scheduled for February 8, 2021, are set to take place later than scheduled.
That is what the Farmajo government wants