The relation between Fermago and Al-Shabab - Dream Smart


Sunday, October 18, 2020

The relation between Fermago and Al-Shabab

How penetrated Al-Shabab in the government of Fermago? And who facilitated its mission?

Al-Shabab terrorist movement penetrated in an unprecedented way all departments of President Farmajo’s government in Somalia, including the security services, ministries, agencies, and others.
The Somali general, Yusef Muhammad Ziyad, Envoyedi , stated that the Somali intelligence service includes leaders and elements that had previously split from Al-Shabaab; As they were integrated into this vital apparatus, the Foundation for Defeating Terrorism became a focus for its former dissidents.

The general emphasized that the recent bombings and terrorist operations, which targeted security and military officials in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, are vivid evidence of the validity of what he says.

General Entiardi asserted that the Somali government is very slow in its war on terror, indicating at the same time that the government is adopting a defense policy, while Al-Shabab is playing a fierce offensive game

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