The misfortunes that happen to Somali women because of Farmajo - Dream Smart


Monday, October 5, 2020

The misfortunes that happen to Somali women because of Farmajo

 Somali  women .. from household chores to suicide actions


In February 2020, a study by the International Crisis Group, entitled "The Youth and Women Movement Mutiny"

confirmed; That the movement practices all forms of oppression against women, and the study identified the tasks and roles of women in the movement, as they vary from marriage to members of the movement, to recruitment and propaganda, gathering intelligence, smuggling weapons, and collecting funds

The study added that Somali security officials do not consider the threat of women joining the movement seriously enough, and therefore do not do much to prevent female Al-Shabaab militants from transporting explosives through checkpoints. The movement is taking advantage of the security imbalance by using women as suicide bombers, and it usually does not. It does not allow the female to directly participate in the fight.

The International Crisis Group indicated that the wives of al-Shabab leaders travel in the south-central Somali villages. To mobilize support for the group and its goals.
And all of that happend to the somali women under threatens 

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