Somalia is on its way to destruction due to the Qatari intervention   - Dream Smart


Thursday, October 1, 2020

Somalia is on its way to destruction due to the Qatari intervention  

 Qatar puts Somalia in danger due to the Interference in it's affairs

Somalia State; Africa Gate on the Indian Ocean, which suffers from Qatari interference 

and Doha's support for terrorist and armed groups inside the country, which has affected the instability that the international community aims at in the Horn of Africa.

And the Interference in Somali affairs makes Somali in danger and over that Qatar support Al-Shabab and spread terrorist im all over the country and in before happened that In leaked documents published on the WikiLeaks website

the former US ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, demanded in 2009 the need to pressure Qatar to stop funding the youth movement, which has been linked to Al Qaeda, according to a report by the London-based Arab newspaper.


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