Saturday, October 10, 2020

Qatar's sabotage in Somalia

Sabotaging Qatar in Somalia with the help and approval of Fahd Yassin and Farmajo

The absolute control of the terrorist agent of Qatar, Fahd Yassin, over the reins of the most important security services in Somalia poses a real threat to the unity and security of this country in eastern Africa.

The security and political situation in Somalia is on the way to explode violently from what happened in the past, with Yassin continuing to settle his political scores, with opponents of his control over the reins of the security services in the country, igniting conflicts within institutions and excluding political opponents, and buying the debts of MPs in Parliament and some tribal sheikhs with money Country and domestication of police and army leaders 

Tamim is in control of the whole of Somalia through Fahd Yassin, and this is the reason for his appointment in this position, and certainly all of this with the approval of Farmajo


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