Saturday, October 10, 2020

A conflict between Fahd Yassin and Rubli due to the corruption of the first mentioned

After Robley objected to Fahd Yassin's interference in matters not related to him, a conflict was made between them

Fahd Yassin and Farmajo seek to be Robli the third of them, but Robley refuses to be the same as before him, so he tries to take on a personality

Robley must stop the corruption of Farmajo and Fahd and try to prevent Fahd from practicing corruption and improve his relationship with people. He can preserve what is left of his dignity.

Robli has the opportunity to improve the situation in Somalia in the event that he does not support Farmajo, to work on the interest of Somalia and its people, and to try to stop corruption.

Robley will not win by supporting Farmajo and following in his footsteps because the people will be against him and lose his popularity like Farmajo.




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