Monday, October 26, 2020

Qatar and it's financial to Al-Shabab

 Maat: The Qatari intervention in Somalia is inconsistent with the Security Council resolution on terrorist financing

The African Affairs and Sustainable Development Unit of the Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights revealed the directions of the country’s strategy in Somalia, starting with the exchange of diplomatic representation, through the delivery of its loyalists to centers of power, support for militant-oriented organizations, and the use of humanitarian aid to enter Somalia.

 The unit presented the sixth goal of the sixteenth goal related to fair and transparent institutions in Somalia, and the impact of Qatari intervention on achieving that goal. From interfering with the appointment of the director of the Somali intelligence agency, to feeding problems between the federal government and regional governors not loyal to Qatar.

And I called upon the Somali government to activate work with the task force on financial measures regarding assistance in building governmental capacities to combat terrorist financing, in the event of a real desire to combat terrorism in the country

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