Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Details about the meeting in Addis Ababa and remaining of Farmajo in power

 In conspiring with "Fahd Yassin" ... Qatar seeks to secure the Somali elections in favor of Farmajo, and this is what was discussed in the Addis Ababa meeting.

Qatar is seeking by all means to drain Somalia, which is witnessing huge crises in various fields, whether politically due to the tyranny of its president, "Farmajo", or the health and societal conditions.

Therefore, it has now hastened to press in all ways towards determining the outcome of the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections, with the help of its stronger arm, Fahd Yassin.

The upcoming elections in Somalia have become the biggest goals of Qatar now. Therefore, it conspired with the head of the Somali intelligence service, Fahd Yassin, and the Al-Qaeda terrorist movement Al-Shabab, with the beginning of the media propaganda issued by the group, which was previously limited to spreading terror, and is currently heading to A completely new approach, which is her desire to change the country, and her emotional discourse as if she stands by the Somali people to solve their crises.


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