Al-Shabab gains from Somalia - Dream Smart


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Al-Shabab gains from Somalia

 Al-Shabab raises $ 15 million a month

Mogadishu According to a report, the Somali-based militant Islamist group Al-Shabab is collecting, using terror and violence, revenues equal to what the country's authorities reap.
The Heral Institute said that the militants collect at least $ 15 million a month, more than half of the amount comes from the capital, Mogadishu, and some companies pay taxes to the fighters and the internationally recognized government.
Al-Shabaab controls a large part of southern and central Somalia, but it has managed to extend its influence to areas controlled by the government stationed in Mogadishu. The report described the way in which the group extracted funds from rural residents as brutal.

The report stated that fear and the real threat to their lives is the only motivation that drives people to push wolves to Al-Shabaab.


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