Secret Deal Between Farmajo,Madobi and Deni - Dream Smart


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Secret Deal Between Farmajo,Madobi and Deni

Several provincial leaders and members of parliament in Somalia have accused President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo's government of intent to delay the 2020/21 elections in the country.

Some of the members say the government has been seeking their support in a plan to delay the elections and threatening to replace them if they fail to cooperate.

sources say that president Farmaajo held closed-door talks with Leaders of Puntland and Jubbaland seeking their full support in the upcoming elections in exchange of further competencies in the rule of their states. The two leaders were also promised of increased financial resources and dispatching Somali youngsters for military training and study in Turkey.

Suspicions regarding the government's 2020/21 election strategy have grown in recent days, with leading political figures in the country, including former presidents, openly accusing President Farmajo of planning to hold on to power after his term ends.

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