Fahd Yassin is Qatar's man in Somalia - Dream Smart


Monday, September 28, 2020

Fahd Yassin is Qatar's man in Somalia

 The reason behind Fahd Yasin assuming the position of head of Somali intelligence is Qatar, because it ordered his appointment to become its eye in Somalia


Global Terrorist Ties with Fahd:
Fahad Yasin is an alleged member, close associate and facilitator for Al-Shabaab
Fahad traveled to Yemen in the 1990s and attended Iman University, a school attended by members of al-Qa’ida, al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula and other extremist groups
Fahad travel to Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 1990s with former Al-Itihad Al-Islam leaders.
Finally :-
Fahd Yassin the former Chief of Staff of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, Current the Commander of National Intelligence and Security Agency.

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