Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Puntland police officer who said that Garowe is full of Al-Shabaab and Daesh


 A Puntland police officer who said that Garowe is full of Al-Shabaab and Daesh

A Puntland police officer said that there are people from Al-Shabaab and Daesh in Garowe, who he said are trying to carry out acts of terrorism in Garowe.

The officer, who was speaking at a meeting to strengthen security in Garowe, told the media that there is a need to strengthen security and report any suspect to the police. 

He said that the security of people from Ethiopia who are coming to Garowe town is a big concern, which he said can be used for insecurity. 

His statement coincided with Puntland's security forces recently arresting 7 people suspected of belonging to the Al-Shabaab group. 

Security agencies are investigating, but the police have not yet officially identified the suspects. 

However, Puntland has tightened security in the cities of Galkayo, Garowe and Bosaso, and according to our information, many people suspected of having links with these groups have been arrested. 

Puntland's security concern has come, as a few days ago Puntland was caught hiding in Kartoomo spy planes known as drones, which are said to be capable of carrying explosives.

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