Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Puntland seizes 'suicide' drones, arrests 7 linked to Al-Shabaab or ISIS

suicide' drone

 Puntland seizes 'suicide' drones, arrests 7 linked to Al-Shabaab or ISIS

Puntland security forces have seized a cache of "suicide" drones—weaponry not previously seen in Somalia—and arrested seven individuals believed to be linked to either Al Shabaab or ISIS-Somalia. The discovery of these drones could alter the tactics of insurgent groups in the region.

According to local media quoting confidential security forces, five drones were confiscated by Puntland authorities.

The suspects were captured during a raid on a convoy travelling between Garowe and Galkayo after Puntland military intelligence revealed their involvement in transporting the drones. The seized drones, commonly used in Yemen and other theatres of modern warfare, are capable of evading radar and delivering precise, destructive strikes on designated targets.

"These individuals were arrested after military intelligence provided crucial information about their activities," a senior Puntland security official, who requested anonymity, said. The official confirmed that the drones and the suspects are now in the custody of Puntland's security forces.

Analysis by a weapons expert suggested that the seized drones are improvised assemblies constructed from commercially available components. The lightweight, skeletal frames and off-the-shelf exposed parts suggest they were locally modified to carry explosive payloads, transforming them into lethal devices capable of conducting targeted attacks.

According to the Puntland official, the drones were believed to have been smuggled through the porous borders of Bosaso's busy port and likely en route to central Somalia. Suicide drones, coveted for their ability to hover over targets before launching explosive attacks, are relatively new to conflict zones. However, military-grade versions have already been used in regions like Ukraine and Yemen.

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