Sunday, June 2, 2024

Every checkpoint in Mogadishu equipped with bomb detection dogs.

checkpoint in Mogadishu equipped with bomb detection dogs.

 Every checkpoint in Mogadishu equipped with bomb detection dogs.

The Somali Police Force will deploy bomb detection dogs at every checkpoint in Mogadishu to enhance security and prevent explosives, according to spokesperson Abdifitah Adan Hassan.

Hassan announced Saturday that the dogs are specifically trained to sniff out explosives, providing an additional layer of security that traditional methods might miss. 
He assured the public that the dogs pose no threat, emphasizing their role in ensuring safety. 
He also noted that Somalis have long used dogs to protect their fields and homes.

"Dogs are indispensable in Mogadishu. By 2025, we hope every checkpoint will have a dog on duty, ensuring smooth traffic flow and thorough investigation of any suspicious individuals," Hassan said.

The decision follows a recent trial run of dogs inspecting public transportation at checkpoints in Mogadishu
While some residents have expressed concern about the dogs touching their belongings during inspections, police say the dogs are essential for security.


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