Monday, April 22, 2024

Somalia sends nearly 100 police officers abroad.

Somalia police officers
Somalia sends nearly 100 police officers abroad.

The Somali Police Force Command has bid farewell to nearly 100 Somali Police Force officers, who are set to receive advanced certification training in countries in Africa, Asia and Europe.

The Chief of Planning and Training of the Police Force, Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed, said that the Somali government is sending 84 officers to China, Serbia and Egypt, saying that it is the largest number of police forces sent abroad.

"We are sending 20 of the officers to China, 25 of them to Serbia, while we are sending 24 officers and 15 military trainers to Egypt who are receiving training in forensics and administration." Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed said.

He said that now 101 soldiers are now abroad for training.

Speaking at the farewell ceremony, Somali Police Force Commander Brigadier General Slop Ahmed Farran stressed the importance of the training, calling on officers to take advantage of the training courses.


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