Saturday, April 6, 2024

Government Announces Al-Shabaab Attack on Balad.

Al-Shabaab Attack on Balad.

Government Announces Al-Shabaab Attack on Balad.

A press release from the Somali government has been reported about a strong attack that started with explosions, which Al-Shabaab carried out in parts of Balad district in the Central Shabelle region.

The attacks were similar to two controls of the government forces in the region, followed by direct fighting between the two sides, 
The statement from the government stated that the attack was prevented, and that the explosion occurred in the desert.

The Somali government also added that the attack did not cause any damage, except for the destruction of houses belonging to civilians and 
minor injuries to three soldiers who foiled the plot.

The commander of the ground forces of the country's armed forces, General Dayah Abdi Abdulle, who also held a press conference in Balad, said that the Khawaja was hit by a strong attack, and that up to 11 members of the attackers were killed.

The situation is now stable, and Al-Shabaab, which carried out the attack, according to locals. 

Al-Shabaab has intensified its attacks on government and ATMIS military bases in the south and central parts of the country this month of Ramadan.

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