Monday, April 15, 2024

Five al-Shabab militants killed in heavy fighting in Hiiraan region.

heavy fighting in Hiiraan region

Five al-Shabab militants killed in heavy fighting in Hiiraan region.

News from Hiran state says that late yesterday, local forces of the Maawiisleyda and members of Al-Shabaab who were gathering in Buloburde area clashed.

Local forces who received information about Al-Shabaab movements attacked an Al-Shabaab gathering place in Wareertire area between Buuloburde district and Halgan area of Hiran region.

After the attack, there was a battle that took almost two hours in a row, in which various kinds of weapons were used.

At least five al-Shabab militants were killed in heavy fighting between Somali army forces, supported by local forces, and the militants on the road between Bulaburte and Halgan districts in the Hiiraan region on Sunday.

Military officials told HOL that the clash took place in the mountain named Wareertire after the group members gathered in the area to attack local clan militia forces. The fighting lasted for almost two hours, officials added.


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