Thursday, February 8, 2024

Former professor at the National University and wealthy poet Al-Shabaab Commentary

Former professor at the National University and wealthy poet Al-Shabaab Commentary

Professor and poet, Nghieh Ali Khalif, who has been out of sight for three months, announced last night, in an interview with an Al-Shabaab media outlet, that he had joined the extremist group.

Khalif, who was head of the journalism department at the National University, noted during the hour-long interview that he had long admired Al-Shabaab's ideas.

Poet Ngieh Ali Khalif said that he had believed in the ideas of the Al-Shabaab movement since 2017 when he moved from Somaliland to Mogadishu, and admired the way it worked, but he did not join the group officially.

He explained that he supports the Al-Shabaab movement in the war that the group is waging against the Somali government, which he said is working in the interests of Western countries, expressing his belief that the movement will control Somalia completely.

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