Monday, February 26, 2024

Somali forces participate in a multinational military exercise in Kenya

Somali forces

Somali forces participate in a multinational military exercise in Kenya


On Saturday, February 24, Kenya hosted elite Somali military units that will participate in Justified Compact 2024, a multinational military contingent exercise conducted by the US government and African partner nations.

According to Somali National Television, the special “Danb” unit of the Somali National Army flew to Kenya from Adam Abdullahi International Airport in Mogadishu.

The Somali soldiers will be part of elite soldiers coming from three continents to participate in an exercise organized by the United States and its African partners, which is the largest exercise of the US Africa Command in East Africa.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The death toll reading should be recorded due to its presence amid the decline in cases

The death toll reading should be recorded due to its presence amid the decline in cases

2,943 new cholera cases and 26 deaths have been reported in Somalia since January 2024, with cases surging following severe flooding caused by El Nino rains in late 2023, government data showed.

According to a statement issued by the Somali Ministry of Health, 1,748 cases, or 59 percent, were classified as serious, which indicates the seriousness of the disease.

The ministry said in its latest epidemiological report: “Since January 2024, several regions in Somalia have been significantly affected by a cholera outbreak. The region with the highest number of reported cases is Beledweyne, which recorded 588 cases, or 20 percent of the total cases.”

Saturday, February 24, 2024

A military operation results in the death of 30 Al-Shabaab members

A military operation results in the death of 30 Al-Shabaab members

30 Al-Shabaab members were killed in a Somali army operation with the support of international friends in the Lower Shabelle region adjacent to the capital, Mogadishu, and the Mudug region in the center of the country.

According to the Somali National News Agency, the operation targeted an area in Lower Shabelle where terrorist militants were gathering, noting that the Somali Armed Forces confiscated weapons and ammunition from the group.

According to the Somali National News Agency, the operation targeted an area in Lower Shabelle where terrorist militants were gathering, noting that the Somali Armed Forces confiscated weapons and ammunition from the group.

It should be noted that the Somali Armed Forces are preparing to launch the second phase of the fight against Al-Shabaab in the areas of southwestern Somalia, after achieving great military achievements in both Hirshabelle and Galmudug states.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The country's southwestern state launches an operation against Al-Shabaab along the border between Somalia and Ethiopia

The country's southwestern state launches an operation against Al-Shabaab along the border between Somalia and Ethiopia

The Minister of Security of South West Somalia, Hassan Abdelkader Mohamed and other officials visited areas along the Ethiopian-Somali border in Bakool region on Wednesday to intensify operations against Al-Shabaab.

Security officials in the Southwestern Regional Administration plan to begin the second phase of military operations against Al-Shabaab soon in areas of that state.

The Minister and the accompanying officials held meetings to accelerate the second phase of the process with various segments of the population living in the areas of Yed, Ato, Washq, and others.

It is noteworthy that the Somali government's military operations against Al-Shabaab achieved significant progress in parts of the country last year, and many areas were liberated from Al-Shabaab, especially in the states of Hirshabelle and Galmudug.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Dead and wounded on buses in Mogadishu

Dead and wounded on buses in Mogadishu

At least 5 civilians were killed yesterday and more than 10 others were injured as a result of the bombing of a passenger bus and a tuk-tuk in Mogadishu.

Somali police said that the explosion that occurred at the “Souss” intersection in the capital, Mogadishu, was caused by a landmine that was planted next to the road.

No party claimed responsibility for the attack, but the police accused the Al-Shabaab movement, which is linked to Al-Qaeda, of being behind it.

Monday, February 19, 2024

The Israeli plane survives a hijacking attempt over Somalia

The Israeli plane survives a hijacking attempt over Somalia

The Israeli national airline confirmed on Sunday that hostile elements “tried to seize control of the communications network of an El Al plane en route from Phuket to Ben Gurion Airport on Saturday evening and divert it from its destination.”

The Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post" reported that "hostile elements" contacted the crew of an Israeli plane in Somali airspace and asked it to change its course, in an incident that was the second of its kind within days.

According to the Israeli newspaper, the accident occurred in an area where the Iranian-backed Houthis are active, noting that the “hostile” group gave instructions to the crew that were different from the specified route, which raised fears that someone was trying to damage the plane or lead it to dangerous areas.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

The bodies of two Cuban doctors capable of being mobilized by Al-Shabaab were not found

The bodies of two Cuban doctors capable of being mobilized by Al-Shabaab were not found

Two Cuban doctors who were being held by Somalia's Al-Shabaab were killed in a US airstrike, the extremist group said on Saturday.

Al-Shabaab claimed in a statement published on the Telegram application that the two Cuban doctors, Asil Herrera and Landy Rodriguez, were killed on Thursday in an American air strike in the city of “Jalab” in the Central Juba Governorate, in the Jubbaland State, southern Somalia.

According to the statement, the aerial bombardment, which began around 12:10 a.m., targeted a house in “Jalab,” killing Asil Herrera and Landy Rodriguez on the spot.

On April 12, 2019, the two Cuban doctors were kidnapped by a group of Al-Shabaab militants in an ambush on a road in the town of Mandera in northeastern Kenya, near the Somali border. The attackers also killed one of the two police officers who were guarding medical workers during the attack.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Mixed Zero signs a memorandum of understanding to build Somali microeconomic bases

Mixed Zero signs a memorandum of understanding to build Somali microeconomic bases

On Thursday, Somalia and the United States of America signed a memorandum of understanding regarding the construction of five military bases for the “Danb” Brigade of the Somali National Army.

The agreement aims for Washington's contribution to building an effective Somali army capable of assuming security responsibilities and fighting against Al-Shabaab.

Molly Fee, US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs who was present at the signing ceremony, said that the United States supports Somalia so that its army can confront Al-Shabaab.

The American official indicated that relying on temporary camps hinders the readiness of DENAB, explaining that the goal is for the Somali army to maintain full control over operations when the facilities are completed, and she stated that the memorandum of understanding provides the detailed plan for doing so.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

7 Al-Shabaab leaders were killed in a joint operation

7 Al-Shabaab leaders were killed in a joint operation

Mogadishu - Somali state television announced the killing of seven Al-Shabaab leaders and other militants in a joint operation in the Lower Shabelle region of South West State.

The operation, which targeted a court affiliated with the movement, took place near the town of Janali in the Lower Shabelle region, adjacent to the capital, Mogadishu.

Among the movement's senior leaders who were killed in the joint operation, according to state television, was Osama, who was the leader of the Al-Shabaab movement in the Ogunji region in the region, and his deputy, Adnan, who held a high position in the movement.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Somali and African forces intensify joint patrols in the Lower Shabelle region to confront the challenges

Somali and African forces intensify joint patrols in the Lower Shabelle region to confront the challenges

The Somali Armed Forces and soldiers of the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia (ATMS) intensified joint patrols along the main supply route between the towns of Afgooye and Bulumerer in the region.

These patrols aim to discover and dismantle explosive devices planted along the road and thwart the establishment of illegal checkpoints by Al-Shabaab.

The main supply route between Afgooye and Boulumrere is a vital artery for the transport of goods and people, making it a prime target for insurgent activities, which has forced the authorities to take security measures to ensure the unhindered movement of goods and people.

Monday, February 12, 2024

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament offers his condolences to the UAE and Bahrain for the martyrs of the terrorist attack in Somalia

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament offers his condolences to the UAE and Bahrain for the martyrs of the terrorist attack in Somalia

Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al Asoumi, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, expressed his condolences and sympathy to the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain’s leadership, government, parliament and people, regarding the martyrdom of 3 members of the UAE Armed Forces and the injury of two others, and the martyrdom of an officer from the Bahrain Defense Force after they were exposed to a terrorist act in the Republic of Somalia. While performing their work duties in training and qualifying the Somali Armed Forces.

The Speaker of the Arab Parliament condemned the terrorist acts targeting innocent people, stressing that these terrorist acts contradict the tolerant teachings of Islam and all divine laws and international laws and norms, calling on the international community to mobilize efforts to eliminate terrorism in the Republic of Somalia and uproot it from its roots.

Al-Asomi expressed his appreciation for the efforts made by the UAE Armed Forces and the Bahrain Defense Force in terms of sacrifices to maintain international security and stability, and to combat terrorism. He stressed the Arab Parliament’s standing and full solidarity with the UAE and Bahrain in this painful affliction, and offered my deepest condolences to the families of the martyrs and their loved ones, asking God to cover them with peace. His mercy and forgiveness, and inspire their families patience and solace and grant a speedy recovery to the injured.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

27 Al-Shabaab militants were killed in Juba Governorate

27 Al-Shabaab militants were killed in Juba Governorate

Yesterday, Saturday, the Special Forces of the Somali National Army, known as DNP, carried out a military operation in Al-Shabaab hideouts in Lower Juba Governorate, Jubbaland State.

The operation, which aimed to expel the militants from the Yaqadbayil area, west of the city of Kismayo, led to the killing of 27 Al-Shabaab fighters and the wounding of 36 others.

In December last year, the Somali army announced that it had killed 70 Al-Shabaab militants in the Abu Din area in the Lower Juba region in the south of the country.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Samuel and Uganda discuss enhancing cooperation in the fight against Al-Shabaab

Samuel and Uganda discuss enhancing cooperation in the fight against Al-Shabaab

 Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Thursday received the Commander of the Somali National Army, General Ibrahim Sheikh Muhyiddin, at the State House in Kampala.

President Museveni and General Muhyiddin discussed a wide range of issues including enhancing military cooperation between the two countries and eliminating Al-Shabaab.

The Ugandan President pledged to continue providing military training in order to enhance the capabilities of the Somali Armed Forces to confront the threat of terrorism.

Uganda is one of the troop-contributing countries to the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia and its troops arrived in Somalia in March 2007, becoming the first contingent of African Union peacekeeping mission forces to set foot in the country.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Former professor at the National University and wealthy poet Al-Shabaab Commentary

Former professor at the National University and wealthy poet Al-Shabaab Commentary

Professor and poet, Nghieh Ali Khalif, who has been out of sight for three months, announced last night, in an interview with an Al-Shabaab media outlet, that he had joined the extremist group.

Khalif, who was head of the journalism department at the National University, noted during the hour-long interview that he had long admired Al-Shabaab's ideas.

Poet Ngieh Ali Khalif said that he had believed in the ideas of the Al-Shabaab movement since 2017 when he moved from Somaliland to Mogadishu, and admired the way it worked, but he did not join the group officially.

He explained that he supports the Al-Shabaab movement in the war that the group is waging against the Somali government, which he said is working in the interests of Western countries, expressing his belief that the movement will control Somalia completely.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Arab Parliament condemns the terrorist bombing that occurred in a popular market in Mogadishu

The Arab Parliament condemns the terrorist bombing that occurred in a popular market in Mogadishu

Cairo - Welad Al-Arabi condemned the start of the bombing that occurred in a popular market in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and resulted in the death and injury of a number of innocent people.

Parliament offered its sincere condolences to the leadership, parliament, government and people of the Federal Republic of Somalia and to the families of the victims, wishing a speedy recovery to the injured.

In a statement, the Arab Parliament affirmed its full solidarity with Somalia to continue its sincere efforts to combat terrorism and establish security and stability on its lands, and to support it in all measures it takes to confront extremist terrorist organizations.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Puntland security soldiers arrest the planning group for carrying out their pirate responsibilities

Puntland security soldiers arrest the planning group for carrying out their pirate responsibilities

Security forces in Puntland state arrested a group of three men who were planning to carry out piracy in the coastal areas of Puntland.

Security officials paraded the group with weapons, supplies and their boats in Gharwi on Monday, revealing the group's intention to launch attacks on commercial ships and fishing boats at sea.

The arrest of these suspects coincides with recent efforts by the Puntland administration to establish anti-piracy forces on the coast, in response to escalating kidnapping incidents.

The European Union naval force responsible for maritime security along the East African coast has reported that at least 14 ships have been hijacked off the Somali coast since late November 2023.

Monday, February 5, 2024

The Somali Military Court sentences a member of Al-Shabaab to 10 years in prison

The Somali Military Court sentences a member of Al-Shabaab to 10 years in prison

The Somali Armed Forces Court today sentenced Mohamed Abdullahi Haji to 10 years in prison on charges of spying for the extremist Al-Shabaab movement.

Haji, who underwent three-month training in Abu al-Zubair camp, located between the cities of Jalab and Buali, joined the movement’s ranks in 2013.

Forces affiliated with the Intelligence Service arrested him in November last year in Al-Salam Park in the “Hamar Jajab” district in the capital, Mogadishu.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Al-Wataniya got to know one of the assistants of the Princess of Youth

Al-Wataniya got to know one of the assistants of the Princess of Youth

On Saturday, the Somali National Intelligence Agency announced the arrest of an aide to the emir of Al-Shabaab, Abu Ubaidah Ahmed Diri.

The agency indicated that it had arrested one of the wanted men, Muhyiddin Daqri, in Mogadishu, while he was hiding in the capital, but it did not specify a date for the arrest.

The National Intelligence and Security Agency added that Daqri was working for Al-Shabaab in various regions of the country, including Mudug, Galgadud and Lower Shabelle regions.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Somali Cabinet discusses the ongoing operations against Al-Shabaab

The Somali Cabinet discusses the ongoing operations against Al-Shabaab

Mogadishu - The Somali Cabinet discussed, in its weekly meeting on Thursday, the ongoing military operations against Al-Shabaab in the country’s regions.

During the council meeting, which was chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Saleh Jammeh, senior security leaders provided detailed briefings on the progress made in the campaign against terrorism, and Jammeh directed the council in a comprehensive review of current counter-terrorism operations.

The recent operations, which were at the forefront of discussions, targeted two strongholds of the Al-Shabaab movement in the “Gharbali” and “Jaar” regions in the “Galgadud” region in the center of the country, and the successful attack supported by international allies led to the destruction of weapons and vehicles used by the group.

The Somali government has been actively involved in reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in areas recently liberated from Al-Shabaab control, by focusing on improving basic infrastructure, including schools and classrooms.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The President of the Republic participates in a conference on the fighting in the UAE

The President of the Republic participates in a conference on the fighting in the UAE

The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, participated in a conference on Somali security hosted by the United Arab Emirates.

The conference, held on Wednesday, was attended by countries providing support for Somalia's security, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Turkey.

A statement issued by the Somali presidency indicated that the conference focused on how to support the Somali government in its war against terrorism and coordinate international security assistance.

The President of the Republic stressed the importance of maintaining stability in the region and avoiding undermining the gains in the war against terrorism, which he said would not be achieved unless Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity were not respected.